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Went through hell today


New member
Sometimes computers and the internet give you pure hell. Today was the day. Last night - the internet connection was lame. Click on a link - and just sat there waiting. So given that I was going without anti-virus.. I D/L ed AVAST. Installed.. did scan -- nothing. Then I got up this morning at 8 Am... Nothing would load. logged onto my dsl modem at It was up and working fine. But Nothing would load. No matter what web page I tried.. So I went to work. Opened the store at 8:50.. and the internet worked there. Back home at 12:30.. and nothing at home. So I un-installed Avast.. still nothing. Un-plugged every AC wire to the computer - DSL modem - Linksys router - waited 3 min.. re-booted - Everything reported that I had internet... but could not load a page. Used System restore... nothing. So now after beating my head against the wall all afternoon... everything works. It must have been that my ISP had a problem... and I was looking for it on my end.:pat:
Had problems with mine. It took forever to load a web page.
Ran defrag and this took over two hours so it must of found something.
All is fine now.
tsaw, if you suspect a net problem, run a ping test. speedtest.net has a freebie. If you can't get it to load, first call should be to the ISP.
tsaw, if you suspect a net problem, run a ping test. speedtest.net has a freebie. If you can't get it to load, first call should be to the ISP.

Great Advice!
However, I failed to mention in the OP, I could dl and up/load email, and run Newsleecher at full speed. The connection was there.
The problem was with web pages only. I tried both FF and IE. nothing would load. So that is where my thinking that the problem was on my end comes from.
When i have a slow modem issue i pull the plug and let it re-boot....cures it on most days.
Great Advice!
However, I failed to mention in the OP, I could dl and up/load email, and run Newsleecher at full speed. The connection was there.
The problem was with web pages only. I tried both FF and IE. nothing would load. So that is where my thinking that the problem was on my end comes from.
Sounds like your HTTP ports had failed but your mail ones were working. I've seen this before and many times rebooting my cable modem and router will fix the issue. However if rebooting them a couple times does not fix the issue it is usually a problem with the service provider.
Sounds like your HTTP ports had failed but your mail ones were working. I've seen this before and many times rebooting my cable modem and router will fix the issue. However if rebooting them a couple times does not fix the issue it is usually a problem with the service provider.

I had never seen this situation ever where HTTP fails, and mail works. My experience has been - you either have a connection or you don't. Now i have learned something the hard way:yum::yum::yum:

Next time after re-booting everything.. I'll suspect the ISP.:hammer: