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Did EA go to far with "Medal Of Honor"?


Bottoms Up
Staff member
US Navy Veteran
Vietnam Veteran
Platinum Patron
EA has made a fortune off of their game "Medal Of Honor" muti player game. Now people can play as the taliban with the goal to be killing US soldiers. :eek:
Did EA go to far?
This war is ongoing with American soldiers and our Allies soldiers dying every day fighting this real enemy. Parents who have lost a child in the war are protesting EA's insensitivity to their hurt having recently loosing a loved one.
Do you think the parents have a valid point? Should they be able to prevent EA from marketing and selling this 'game'?
No, change the faces to aliens and predators and you have a game on the same concept. Not until the bullets come through the TV should they be restricted and then nobody would want to play.
Doc i think it is sick......and all EA is doing is giving the Taliban publicity and they strive on publicity....EA should be ashamed.

I think the media outlets should give EA a cold shoulder and refuse to promote this shit.

I am renaming the Taliban to the "Cowardclan".
Doc i think it is sick......and all EA is doing is giving the Taliban publicity and they strive on publicity....EA should be ashamed.

I think the media outlets should give EA a cold shoulder and refuse to promote this shit.

I am renaming the Taliban to the "Cowardclan".

But it's OK to have a game based on Vietnam and WWII?
But it's OK to have a game based on Vietnam and WWII?

I know where your at BD and to be honest i dont like war being promoted in any way or form......i just feel the Taliban strives on media attention and we should not give it to them,how many kids get screwed up and think it is right to re-enact what they play on a console game as it is without encouraging kids with heritage to the middle east thinking they can go online join a cult then think "hey why dont i join the real thing....lets go out and blow up a car in the town centre ect ect"....sad but it happens.

Sounds far fetched i know......but lets not get in to giving these scum attention in any way or form.

Honest i do understand you BD but promoting the Cowardclan i feel just lets their unjustified cause get attention.
You know what BD i think i have looked at this from the wrong Angle....me stupid ....

The game should be online for sure....for it to go online it will be run through a server that will not only log IP addy's but also if it's through a paying server like Xbox do then you also have a log of bank account details ect....the only idiots playing as Taliban fighters will be for sure supporters of their cause(easy to filter out the non supportoers for sure)....you now have a very helpful tool to track and monitor terrorist activity.....you will also have access to who their service provider is and hence monitor their other internet activities.....this is to unique a idea to go a miss.

No point saying about invasion of privacy as no-one has privacy these days we all know that deep in our hearts.

Sounds mad but i think i may be on to something here.....i should work in security.
But it's OK to have a game based on Vietnam and WWII?
In those games can you be the Viet Cong, and in the WWII can you be the Nazi's?
Not that the pain goes away for those who lost loved ones in either of those wars, but they are not ongoing conflicts. We are still at war with the taliban, we have no clue on who will win this war.
In those games can you be the Viet Cong, and in the WWII can you be the Nazi's?

Yeppers, my sons play MOH religiously online and like they've been saying, someone has to be to good guy and someone has to be the bad guy.
To be honest i think most kids are normal and play these games to win....good guy bad guy they dont give a Toss.....same with playing any type of console game no matter if it is Golf,Car racing,Wrestling in a matter of fact me and Mrs Galv would fight to the death playing 10 card rummy :yum::yum::yum:

But we are not so lucky,not all kids are like ours and are normal with a stable mind from good parenting.

Still don't like the idea of promoting the Cowardclan.
I’m not a big gamer but I can understand the concern over the role reversal in many of the “Life Like” combat games that have surfaced. If they were as true to life as they claim, and judging from the battlefield news reports, being a Taliban or any other radical fighter would guarantee you a short game. The American Troops would shoot your dirty ass off from the ground and from the air. What would be so fun about that? I would have wished that they could have held off or changed these characters to mimic some other than where our brave soldiers are fighting currently.