Rusty Shackleford
Automotive M.D.


I loved those skits! I can't find one on Youtube though. Coyright violation?
What you do after a bunch of hot peppers and exlax!are you kids on drugs....what a ooooga boooga doody whatcha call it???
I've been wanting to return for a visit for a while now hun.So PG when are you gonna get on a plane and come visit the UK....i know you would love to....and you would be welcome to stay with us.
I've been wanting to return for a visit for a while now hun.
Thing is, once I get there, I won't want to come back..
I miss Leeds and Wakey more than you can imagine.
I'll think about it.Home is where the Heart is....but if you visit me i promise to kick you out in no time....
You should do it.
are you kids on drugs....what a ooooga boooga doody whatcha call it???
i was thinkin i might move on over cross the pond and be yer next door neighbor, m8. thoughts?
It has been raining too hard to take the kids out for more pics. Major road flooding with snow melt and rain on top of the frozen ground. Rusty got more wind while we got the rain.