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Rusty's thought of the day thread

How often have you looked out the window and seen 2 young lads wearing sandals in freezing cold weather and witnessed them washing their feet in a bucket of water??:whistling:

I had to look twice :yum::yum::yum:

Forgot to add they had a mop with them.
The Council house they got with the new fitted Kitchen and bathroom would surely had been a better place to have a clean up.....and benefits they rake in would pay for soap.

Odd behavior in my book.
Cheeky sod Murph we have standards at my asylum.

and yes Muleman Council Housing is as you say Government owned properties run by local Councils...in all honesty these homes were set up years back to help young families get a roof over their heads but i know of youngsters that have been on the list for many years and get over looked in favor of immigrants.

I am hoping our next Government cap the amount of immigrants allowed into the UK like they have been promising.
FFS i nearly choked reading that :yum::yum::yum:

Poor Rusty and his little winky :yum::yum::yum:

I heard if he was half inch shorter they were gonna call him Fanny :w00t2:
Just had a look and now i want one...i like the cabinet you assembled for it to go on....looks very stylish.
It is a fairly sturdy piece with a boatload of braces and screws and more screws. My hands were sore from the screw driver till I was done. It came with a few shelves for the openings that I have not set till we are done with the dish setup. I like the fact that the TV pivots on the base about 30-40 degrees so you can turn it depending on where you are sitting.
i did notice the TV base was pivoted into the Cupboard....that should stop it being knocked over too.

Good design.
Rusty must be off practicing putting the condoms on his little sausage link!


I had to mount mine to the wall. One of my dogs watches TV, yes, watches it. She would jump up on the old TV whenever there were animals on the screen if I didn't stop her fast enough. But it was in a cabinet, so the only damage she did if she hit it, was her nose print on the screen.

I'm not even risking it with this one. It took her a few weeks, but she finally noticed where the TV is and she can't reach it.