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What's for Dinner Tonight?

damn, jake brought me a rita's ice. cotton candy flavoer.he knows i;m dieting, accidantly took an ambien mistajing it fir anther pill,, & didn't thik of my diet
the meat... homemade sausage,stuffed with cheese and smoked yesterday

Breakfast Bagel
Everything I could possibly crowd on a styrofoam plate!
The carry- in was insane Jeff!

Meat things I ate:a shredded creamed chicken sandwich, teriyaki meatballs (4)- little smokey sausages in bbq sauce, as well as tortilla chips with 4 layer taco dip, cheese cubes,veggies and dip.. and watermelon balls.

I shall pay for this tomorrow.:dizzy:
went to my Aunt's for supper tonight... she sent home a pizza,rhubard custard pie and lemon merange pie with me because i fixed her computer

pizza is loaded with onions,pepperoni,bacon,green olives,green peppers and hot peppers.

the pies
Bams, you'll have to pick off the green olives and green onions for me to get near that thing. Both of those are classified as culinary thugs. They tend to overwhelm all the flavors around them instead of complimenting the other flavors.

But for me tonight, leftovers. Yesterday we had a party. Today we have the aftermath of the party.
the green onions were actually sweet vidalia onions, a scarce green olives as not to overpower.. it was really good..lol
Around 6 I made shrimp fried rice with cashews.

A few hours ago, I sampled one of the new 1/3 lb Angus burgers at McDonald's, the mushroom swiss.. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!:w00t:

I had chopped ham and cheese stuffed bacon wrapped chicken breast with a side of fresh from the farmer's market corn on the cob last night.
I have a couple of whole chickens roasting in the oven as we speak....not sure what to have with them though.:unsure:
Delmonico steak (oh man was it tender) and some sort of spicy Italian sausage (oh man was it spicy) from Walmarts food section. But that's just the store-bought stuff. The veggies came from REDDOGTWOs stand at the farmers market (k-mart parking lot) in Bismarck, ND. I almost ate the taters before getting them back to the hotel, but glad I waited til they were cooked first. Same with the peas (two varieties). Darn good stuff RD2!! :thumb:

I ate the peas first, then the taters, then the steak. Still working on the sausage. Washing it all down with a mix of cranberry and concord grape juice.

(yup, I eat one thing at a time) :yum:

To take this thread really off topic,I had hospital food.

How's that off-topic? True, it may not be considered 'food', but it is what you had for dinner. Oh, by the way, stay away from the jello. Something about liposuction and food coloring. :smileywac
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Delmonico steak (oh man was it tender) and some sort of spicy Italian sausage (oh man was it spicy) from Walmarts food section. But that's just the store-bought stuff. The veggies came from REDDOGTWOs stand at the farmers market (k-mart parking lot) in Bismarck, ND. I almost ate the taters before getting them back to the hotel, but glad I waited til they were cooked first. Same with the peas (two varieties). Darn good stuff RD2!! :thumb:

I ate the peas first, then the taters, then the steak. Still working on the sausage. Washing it all down with a mix of cranberry and concord grape juice.

(yup, I eat one thing at a time) :yum:

How's that off-topic? True, it may not be considered 'food', but it is what you had for dinner. Oh, by the way, stay away from the jello. Something about liposuction and food coloring. :smileywac
I had something that was over bowtie pasta, and some bottled water.

I eat one thing at a time too, and always have.
Jello? Can't stand the stuff.

Thanks for making me smile Bob.