Drones over New Jersey!


Proudly Deplorable
Drones the size of small cars in our airspace since November 18th. The Pentagon says they don't know what they are or why they are here. But, reassures us the drones are not from one of our enemies, AKA Iran.

Okay, the official statement is our government doesn't know what they are, to whom they belong but not to worry, they are not from one of our enemies??? Excuse me but that is an insane, incongruitous statement.

We cannot shoot them down. There is a federal law against doing anything to any aircraft inflight. I know as, back in my youth, my rocket launching hobby near Lambert Field Airport had the FAA and the police on my uncle's property. We were apparently on the flight path for incoming commercial flights. Our homebuilt toy rockets were exceeding the 1,000 foot altitude limit. (by about 2,000 feet)

They were out there within days of our second launch. This was back in the late fifties early sixties. I was 13-14. Radar technologies were rudimentary compared to today. Anyways, it would seem after a week of unauthorized drone flights, our authorities would have a handle on the situation.

So how come after weeks of these sightings, according to the Feds, we know "nothing?"
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How about you use a cordless hole punch and drop one to the ground ? Then you can get a good close-up look and see what kind of capabilities they have. After all nobody’s claiming any responsibility for them so they can’t get too pissed then. I can tell you living in the country if it was in my backyard and no one wanted to claim responsibility.🤷‍♂️ What was that song? Try that in a small town
How about you use a cordless hole punch and drop one to the ground ? Then you can get a good close-up look and see what kind of capabilities they have. After all nobody’s claiming any responsibility for them so they can’t get too pissed then. I can tell you living in the country if it was in my backyard and no one wanted to claim responsibility.🤷‍♂️ What was that song? Try that in a small town
I did mention in my post, it is illegal for a citizen to shoot them down. DOD can but they are being vague about what these drones represent or actually are.
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The government, DOD specifically, say they don' know from where these drones are coming. At the same time they assure us that they are not coming from Iran or one of our enemies. How can this be?

One of these claims is a lie. Absolutely.

Which claim makes the most sense? I say the DOD knows it's not one of our enemies because it is our military that is putting these drones in the air.

Unless our military has gone over to the other side, I would suggest the only true possibility that makes sense would be that these aircraft are from our own defense forces.
Even Donald has been mum about all this, which I find curious, given the fact one of the areas the drones have been seen is at his Bedminster Golf Club.
Do you all remember the Chinese weather ballon some 2 or more years ago?
This is the same thing. We are being tested.
Who is doing it? Only two sources IMHO.
I am guessing the drones are ours. I also guess they are using in real world.
There is no way or radar could not follow. AWACS certainly could.
Hell, the radar on my boat can pick up birds 5 miles away.
I am guessing the drones are ours. I also guess they are using in real world.
There is no way or radar could not follow. AWACS certainly could.
Hell, the radar on my boat can pick up birds 5 miles away.
Why not just admit it? Why scare the hell out of citizens?
If these drones are not ours, we are in danger. It is as simple as that!
That our military cannot identify them is a bit scary. That they cannot stop them is more so. Imagine ,any nation with nuclear capability apparently could simply fly over our territory without impedance. No sophisticated delivery system needed. Just put it one a harmless drone we cannot identify or stop.

I don't believe this is true. It had better not be true. Hence my conclusion that it is our military that is the source of these aircraft.
I believe they are our military. Aberdeen Proving Grounds in Maryland have been testing/training with drones for years now. I was doing searches last night and saw quite a few articles about it and it's pretty clever, as well as a way to help ensure our protection. Aberdeen isn't that far away from Jersey and PA where some of the sightings have been.

I don't know why the media is making a fuss about this unless it's to make us look away from something else? The military doesn't need to let our enemies know in what ways they're doing their training.
People on the ground are ready to make their stand (shoot them down) if the government doesn't do something to make them go away.
People on the ground are ready to make their stand (shoot them down) if the government doesn't do something to make them go away.
That may well be what the Gubmit wants. When US citizens find that their government is not serving them as required, they often take things into their own hands and, as a result, get arrested/

January 6th protestors in DC come to mind.

But not the rioters and looters in Minneapolis MN. or Ferguson MO.

I find it curious that these disturbing drone flights, which our government cannot explain or stop, are happening as the Biden administration goes down breaking all the rules and traditions normally afforded exiting executives.
Loan me a C-130 TACAMO aircraft, two unwoke Parachute Riggers, a couple of drouge parachutes, a couple of cargo nets and a Navy flight crew with balls and I will show you how to quickly set a bunch of drones down on the ground in a controlled manner....

So easy only retired enlisted guys can figure this out....
It is scary to think our military has "no idea" what these drones are, from where they came, and where they go when sighted. To suggest such, with that admission, how can they assure us there is no threat?

Answer...; Because a fear factor is more important that telling the truth.

The Gubmit scared us with the Covid crap.
The Gubmit scared us with the "Trump is a Nazi" crap
And now they scare us with this Drone BS.

A self-governing populace needs the truth from the government operatives they elected.

We need Pete at the DOD helm, with THE Donald standing behind him.
I can't believe that there's not an AIS for the drones in the us like their is for boats and make it mandatory on the drones to track them and who owns them.
I'm guessing if military or a three letter ( ours or some other country) the transponders are disabled.
If kids joining in for the fun, probably could be tracked by ATC or a 3 letter.