I was just trying to reduce my AT&T phone bill by a measly $5.00 per month because they were offering it. It costs the extra $5.00 per month when you order by phone, which I had to do when I ordered phone service a few months ago because their web site wouldn't accept my order for some reason back then. Well, I tried it again today. While attempting to place my order, a "Chat" icon popped up for me to chat with an AT&T agent about saving $50 today. Here's how that conversation went:
AT&T product specialists are happy to assist you with your questions. Click below to begin your live text chat.
Chat representatives will not have access to your personal account. This service is provided to you under AT&Ts Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.
Welcome to AT&T. My name is Kelby. How may I help you today?
you: so how do i save $50 today?
Kelby: What are you ordering with us?
you: im trying to reduce my phone bill. I signed up by phone a few minths ago because the web site was down and got $45 per month for what was offered at 40 per month on the net
Kelby: There will be no $50 rebate unless you are to order DSL with us also.
you: can't get dsl here
Kelby: Then there is no $50 cash back I am sorry.
you: no problem. I am going to save $5.00 per month over my current bill though, right?
Kelby: Correct.
you: is there any way to waive the $16 one time charge for switching to what is the exact plan I have now and should have had in the first place?
Kelby: No I am sorry there is not.
Kelby: Is the order process going fine for you?
you: so far. I'm about to hit the "go" button
Kelby: Great!
you: now that you mentioned it...NO! here's the exact same message I got the last time I ordered that cost me $5.00 per month extra...GRRRR>: Due to technical problems, we are unable to process your order online at this time. Please contact us at 1-800-248-9850 Monday through Thursday, 8 am to 7 pm and on Friday and Saturday, 8 am to 6 pm.
Kelby: You are going to need to start the process over I am sorry.
you: Well, I realize you are trying to help, but you guys are making Vonage look better by the minute. I cannot say I am the least bit pleased with AT&T's customer service.
Kelby: I am sorry since you are just changing your current phone bill I am not specialized in current customers.
you: Well, there's always a reason....the people who take phone orders cannot seem to help either. Is $5.00 per month worth losing a customer over?
Kelby: No it is not but I am sorry I am not specialized in your field.
you: That's what everybody I talk to at AT&T says. Guess I'll see if Vonage wants my business.
Kelby: Thank you for chatting with AT&T today. It has been a pleasure assisting you.
Thank you for chatting with AT&T today. Have a great day.
So, needless to say, I got the SOS from AT&T. What a bunch of jackasses.
AT&T product specialists are happy to assist you with your questions. Click below to begin your live text chat.
Chat representatives will not have access to your personal account. This service is provided to you under AT&Ts Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.

you: so how do i save $50 today?
Kelby: What are you ordering with us?
you: im trying to reduce my phone bill. I signed up by phone a few minths ago because the web site was down and got $45 per month for what was offered at 40 per month on the net
Kelby: There will be no $50 rebate unless you are to order DSL with us also.
you: can't get dsl here
Kelby: Then there is no $50 cash back I am sorry.
you: no problem. I am going to save $5.00 per month over my current bill though, right?
Kelby: Correct.
you: is there any way to waive the $16 one time charge for switching to what is the exact plan I have now and should have had in the first place?
Kelby: No I am sorry there is not.
Kelby: Is the order process going fine for you?
you: so far. I'm about to hit the "go" button
Kelby: Great!
you: now that you mentioned it...NO! here's the exact same message I got the last time I ordered that cost me $5.00 per month extra...GRRRR>: Due to technical problems, we are unable to process your order online at this time. Please contact us at 1-800-248-9850 Monday through Thursday, 8 am to 7 pm and on Friday and Saturday, 8 am to 6 pm.
Kelby: You are going to need to start the process over I am sorry.
you: Well, I realize you are trying to help, but you guys are making Vonage look better by the minute. I cannot say I am the least bit pleased with AT&T's customer service.
Kelby: I am sorry since you are just changing your current phone bill I am not specialized in current customers.
you: Well, there's always a reason....the people who take phone orders cannot seem to help either. Is $5.00 per month worth losing a customer over?
Kelby: No it is not but I am sorry I am not specialized in your field.
you: That's what everybody I talk to at AT&T says. Guess I'll see if Vonage wants my business.
Kelby: Thank you for chatting with AT&T today. It has been a pleasure assisting you.

So, needless to say, I got the SOS from AT&T. What a bunch of jackasses.