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Marley and Thunder


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Exactly. That's pretty much the deal. They want to make sure the dog will be properly cared for. We have a side door off the kitchen with a set of steps that goes down to a fully fenced in dog run around 10x20 with 5ft chain link fencing. And a 2400 square foot 5 bedroom 4 bathroom house on 5.8 acres of property in the country. If that isn't good enough, then they can suck it.

After all, they rescue these dogs mostly from northern native reserves with no hydro or running water. Anything is better than the conditions they come from.
Did they ask if there were any guns in the house or domestic violence? I got bit by a cat some years ago and the emergency room started asking questions like that.


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Here's an earlier picture showing the markings on her



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All the arrangements have been made. Looks like they have someone coming this way today from where the dog is located in a foster home. We're still undecided as to whether to keep the name "mira" or change it. We shall see.

On a sadder note, we discovered a hard lump on Marleys throat that Started out a few days ago as the size of a pea. Now it's the size of a grape. I brought her to the vet yesterday and they poked it to see if it was an abscess. It isn't. So they took a biopsy and sent it out.


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This little girl has stolen our hearts. We got her Friday. She is fitting in nicely with our other two dogs and is learning to follow them outside and use the washroom. At night, she sleeps in a kennel with Marley, our almost 12 year old and sleeps through the night. She still has some separation anxiety being left alone but I have been working on that with her. She is very smart and already knows basic commands such as sit no come... Very smart for 8 weeks. Our oldest girl can't be off leash but Cooper can. So I have been bringing both Cooper and Honey (the kids decided on a name change) outside to play in the yard. It's not fenced so I teach them to stay close.




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She's getting a bit bigger but still tiny. So far she is a very quick learner. I usually only have to tell her once to not do something. She's pretty much house trained and sleeps throughout the night in a kennel in our bedroom. I bought her a collar this week. She barely made a fuss about it. She isn't a barker. Our other two will bark when someone comes to the door or they go outside. She doesn't make a sound. She plays hard with Cooper and sleeps with Marley. Cooper growls at her occasionally to show his displeasure about something and she'll dish it right back. That's the only time she barks.



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Any thoughts on what these bald red spots could be? She's had them since we got her as a puppy in October. She's also got a small patch under her lower jaw.



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Possible food allergies. No other spots noticeable. I bought an all natural gel to treat it. It appears to give her some relief even though she has never really yelped when touching the spots before. I'll try this for now and keep an eye on it as she's already booked in for a spay in March.



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We finally bit the bullet and got her into a vet on Friday. Surprisingly, we called at 2:30 and they had an opening for 3:30 that day. $370 cheaper and a skin swab later we left with 3 pills for her to take. Once a month to treat demodex mange. They said it's a mild non contagious form of mange in puppies that they can normally overcome with their own immune systems but sometimes they require extra medical assistance.