On average, currently, I'd guess about $180 per month (which is on the "high side").
I've got about 3500 sq ft, 3 floors, with a walk out basement which is below grade.
Not the way I'd do it, but the house came with one Gas-A/C HVAC system per floor using LP for heat (two systems which I've changed out and replaced since me moved here).
Highest electric bill this year was this past June at $235 (usually summer with the A/C running for four months is on average the highest months for electric). Keep in mind though, that's with a new whole house dehumidifier that I installed with the new first floor heat pump system. June also was the hottest month this year here in N.C. That puppy (dehumidifier) draws 14 amps by itself, so overall, I don't think I can complain about June's bill. Since the dehumidifier was new and I'm running an "experiement" with the system, in July I didn't run the dehumidifier to see how it would affect the electric bill. July's bill (which was almost as hot as June) was $209. My wife told me per the comfort of the whole house dehumidifier (which is one reason for the "experiment"), she told me to leave the whole house dehumidifier running 24/7.
I have cut down on my LP use by going dual fuel on the third floor, and since I went strictly heat pump on the first floor with a set of gas logs for back up heat, I'm curious as to how much I'm going to cut down on the LP use in winter and how much of a rise in electric I'll see in the same time frame (winter).
What are you paying per KW?
Do you get a "discount" per the amount of electricity you use?
Does your electric bill supply the average use for the last year on your statement?
If so, do you see a jump in use on any of the months anywhere?
Any chance you have something running (using electric) that you may of forgot about?
Last year we got a bill in April for close to $350 that really had me scratching my head. Turns out it was a 3/4 hp water pump that was broken and was continually running non stop. Replaced the motor and power bill dropped back to normal.