• Please be sure to read the rules and adhere to them. Some banned members have complained that they are not spammers. But they spammed us. Some even tried to redirect our members to other forums. Duh. Be smart. Read the rules and adhere to them and we will all get along just fine. Cheers. :beer: Link to the rules: https://www.forumsforums.com/threads/forum-rules-info.2974/

You all pretty much...


New member


Well you know you were thinking something else....

spent most of the day reading here, there and so on.
At some point was like "Hell yeah!"

So, looking forward to hangin' out and getting to know folks better.

Will share more as I go along.

Love the mix here, of folks and topics/choices.

see ya out there!
You sure you really want to do this to yourself? I guess you're as nuts as the rest of the inmates here. Hope you got a pretty thick skin, cuz you're just liable to need it depending how thick you plan to jump into this cesspool.:yum::yum:
"I would never join a club that would have me as a Member." - Groucho Marx

Sound advise. I should take it myself, sometimes!

Welcome to the fun house!

So other than reading, hiking and driving.. what else do you do?
Tell us more about yourself.
Oh and don't disappear after 2 or 3 posts..
Sucks when that happens.
Thank you for the kind words :biggrin:. I taught the rest of the FF group everything they know here . Unfortunately , most are slow learners :glare:.

Have fun , be prepared to back up your facts if you get in the "Debate section" and most of all , enjoy yourself !:wink:
nope, won't disappear....you may wish I did....lol not really.
(she silently hopes!)

and yep, skin's pretty thick an I can get lippy and feisty with the best of them!

It was actually a good day (after a very bad week/few months) to hang out here reading all over the place. Funny how you first repliers are some of the ones that stuck in my head...pirate girl, muleman, jev, tjv, groomer....

got to take my big dog out and then the wee ones then I will put alittle more info.
tickles me to have found this place!
yeah, nuthouse suits me just fine.
looking forward to getting to know the inhabitants!

oh yeah....gee I am such a little heathen...thanks for the welcomes/warnings!
lol Big Al! cross-posted there!
thanks! spent a lot of time in the um...heated ones today!
LOVED them!
like I said, the mix here is spectacular!
We need new members Wanderer.
Lippy and feisty is good!
Just relax and fall into place.
You appear very friendly and chatty already.
Yeah, the JEV and Muleman have a way of sticking in anyone's head..
As for moi.. well.. I'm the forum post ho and welcome wagon,happy birthday girl and all around honest to goodness nut.
Again, welcome.
Thank you for the kind words :biggrin:. I taught the rest of the FF group everything they know here . Unfortunately , most are slow learners :glare:.

This from the guy who can't spell check.:whistling::yum::yum:
You ain't a Big Al trojan from Idaho are you?
forum post ho...pirate girl you have done that to me all day! I have spewed beverages from the kitchen to the living room!

well, the pups are all piddled so let's see.

I am what you will see here. Got to meet a few people from other forums a few years ago, they all said the same thing...(not sure how to back that up...you will just have too maybe see someday!)

I think I left out snippy earlier...yep...snippy, lippy and fiesty. not too much on the snippy, but sometimes...

what else for now...smoke, drink some, someday will hopefully dump the smokes...

art, writing, well hell I don't know!

weary of our political situation...like for crap sakes if the bozos want me to vote, give me an effen candidate worthy of my time and cost of gas to go vote!

well, ask something if you want to know. I'll either answer or I won't...:shifty:
forum post ho...pirate girl you have done that to me all day! I have spewed beverages from the kitchen to the living room!

well, ask something if you want to know. I'll either answer or I won't...:shifty:

I enjoy having that effect on people.. if you aren't happy and laughing here, then I ain't doin' me job!

Naww.. wouldn't think of pushing for further details.. you'll let us know eventually.. or you'd better.:whistling::yum:
hey push away! It is hard to just pop off a litany of stuff.
I always can say pass! or pm it! never mind questions at all.

ok. must go kil 2l small insane dogs.

or at least give them a talking to!

thanks again pirate girl and guys (and gals?)
will be back for sure!
Welcome to the forum!

From your first 6 posts, I can tell you're going to fit in just fine.
thanks bczoom!
yeah, got that feeling reading all day yesterday that this was going to be a good match.

hey there muley man!

good morning to you all!

um, just for the record, that should have read "kill 2...not 21, small insane dogs.
snort cackle!
Hi wanderer and welcome to our off topic internet forums. I'm glad you found us. :thumb:
Enjoy and post often. :D :beer:
hey, what are the balance scales to the right for?
You can add a point to a users reputation by clicking the scales in any post that you like. It's a nice way to leave a little comment just for that user to view. You can view reputation comments about your posts in your UserCP (button near the top left of every screen) I'll put a comment in yours so you'll see what I'm talking bout.
ah, thanks doc. I thought that might be it. I did look reps up but it did not show how.
or most likely I didn't see it.

on another place it was lightbulbs.

and that is your useless tidbit for the day!
Your forum handle is "wanderer" and you list your location as "here". Are you sure of your location?

Do you feel more like you do now then when you got here?
lol...I put "here" as in my house...you know, kind of a smarty-pants answer...

I gotta tell you all, the more I read around here, the more my respect for you nut-nuts grows.
Welcome, Wanderer! :smile: Some folks say you don't have to be crazy to post on here; don't believe them! Pretty much
everyone here is certifiable and if you want to hang around with us ... well, that says it all! :whistling::flowers::yum:
