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WTT: Thiokol Spryte (CL: near Detroit - No affiliation)


Active member
No affiliation, I'm still learning about snow cats and a not in a spot I can take on the project but it seemed like it might be worth it digging into.
This same cat was listed for sale as a "Project Cat" for $11k if I remember correctly not that long ago. So if you do offer to buy it keep in mind that's probably what the seller is looking for.

"runs and drives"

With no tracks? :ROFLMAO:

Seriously though, assuming the OC12 and engine are in great shape, you would still have to spend at least $20k+yourtime to get her in running order. A brand new set of tracks will run over 10k to build, the entire frame should be blasted and painted, it will be a lot of work! There are people selling turnkey Sprytes for 25-30k right now, unless you can get it for $5k< and have all the tools and knowledge to rebuild her, I wouldn't touch it.

Project cats like this bounce around from owner to owner because people don't realize how much work and $$$$ it is to restore them.


New member
Hey, I never claimed it was a 'good deal' ;) and in theory the tracks do come with it (in whatever condition they're in)
Just putting it out there in case someone wanted to make a small fortune out of a large one and restore this :)