Yup it's not factory Tucker. But back here in these "sicks" it isn't uncommon to adapt another manufacturer's product to fit another. (My guess is Valley) you stated two extra funtion of "left and right" and then you mention blade tilt left and right....So you can move your blade laterally to the side and tilt it to the same side? I've not seen one that will do that. Sounds more to me like an 8 way blade, not a 6 way. Blade up (1) blade down (2) roll blade out (3) roll blade in (4) tilt blade left (5) tilt blade right (6). See even us midwesteners an count, But you should know this aready!!!
I am still betting the guy in northern Minnsota who owns a Tucker would know what he is talking about......
Don't you think it is a good looking machine for the money? Or is your trailer already hooked up!
Just teasing...
Regards, Kirk
Actually I do think it's a factory Tucker blade, just with different features. I don't see a tilting ability on the OP's blade. I'm quite sure they offered the roll forward and aft capabilities (like the OP's) in later years.
I don't know how familiar you are with Tuckers of this general vintage, but the blades pusher frame actually attaches to the front axle. Then there is a bunch of additional supporting framework behind the front axle to transfer the load from the front axle up to the main frame. All of that stuff is in the photo.
When you turn the steering wheel, the blade turns with the axle. If you've driven a pickup with a snowplow, the first time you drive a Tucker with a blade it's... well... different.
In my descriptions of the angle functions I was lazy. I can't shift the blade laterally. I'm sorry for not being more clear. My six-way blades have had powered up and down( 1 & 2), angle left and angle right (3 & 4), and tilt left and tilt right (5 & 6). A pickup snowplow typically has power up (gravity down) and angle left and angle right.
I have a photocopy of an original Tucker brochure on the 6-way blade. It's dated 10/74 and shows the same configuration I've had. I don't have a scanner or I'd try and post it here.
I'm trying hard to wean myself down to one Tucker and stay there. There have been several this year that have been darn tempting and I'll even admit there were a couple of Thiokols that had me going. So far I have been successful at resisting temptation.
That being said, from the one picture (I would like
several more) it does look pretty clean.
I'm surprised it doesn't have the damper wheels instead of the Hyfax, and with its grooming history I would want to look at it very carefully for cracks in the frame and carriers. Both of those are not uncommon under hard usage and they can be difficult to see.
I've seen some really pathetic repair work on Tuckers. The kind where you look at the fix, shake your head, and say "What were they thinking"? It's not fun to get into one of those situations unless you can buy the machine cheap enough (which I never seem to do).