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WTB: sw48, br60, anything small


New member
Like title says, looking for a small cat with a blade. Open to everything really. Show me what you got, or a link to one you know of. Thanks!


Great point, looking for a small snowcat.
If I recall, you had said you were covering a 1.5 acre backyard with artificial snow and wanted something to move it around and play with. The SW48 will do that quite well. It is good at making piles and will crawl over compacted piles easily. It will not float on top of 10' of champagne powder whilst climbing the continental divide. The other things I could suggest would be an ATV with Mattracks and a plow blade or a Cushman Trackster with a plow blade. Although neither can make a 10' tall snow pile like the SW48 can do. Good luck in your search.