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Wot I made

Ice Queen

Bronze Member
SUPER Site Supporter
I couldn't play with my snowtrac as my snow had melted so I made three sledges instead. One for a friend's daughter and one each for my grandchildren. They seem to have the same effect as owning a snowtrac - the snow immediately melted!!


  • Copy of Emma's sledge 006.jpg
    Copy of Emma's sledge 006.jpg
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  • Copy of Sledge construction 2 001.jpg
    Copy of Sledge construction 2 001.jpg
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  • Copy of Sledge construction 4 003.jpg
    Copy of Sledge construction 4 003.jpg
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Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
I couldn't play with my snowtrac as my snow had melted. . . They seem to have the same effect . . . the snow immediately melted!!
From now on we will call those SNOW MELTERS. They need to be banished from the northern climates and relegated to southern tropical regions like Florida, or perhaps Wales :whistling:


Well-known member
GOLD Site Supporter
Here you go. Maybe this will help you out in your quest for the white stuff.:whistling:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrWD0TRXhFg"]YouTube - The Tiki Snow Dance[/ame]


Site Supporter
what kind of wood did you make the runners out of - it looks darker than the slats across the top? (oh, yeah - nice work)

Ice Queen

Bronze Member
SUPER Site Supporter
I don't know what sort of wood it was, I used old stuff that was just hanging about. I don't throw away wood as it always comes in useful. I used to use old pallets, broken up, but I am a bit posher now as I have what has been left over from the building work. I don't need a sledge myself, I have a snowtrac which doesn't get any snow, so why would I need a sledge? Actually I think they are all snow deterrants!

I am now in the process of building my daughter a bird table. My Dad built a lovely bird table for himself and one for my Uncle. I inherited them and had to replace a lot of rotten wood, both are now up and in use. I then built one for my neighbours as a Christmas present (about four years ago), but they still haven't got round to putting it up. Pictures of my Dad's bird table accompany this post (posh way of putting it!)


  • Bird table 001.jpg
    Bird table 001.jpg
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  • Bird table 003.jpg
    Bird table 003.jpg
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