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Winter Sport Injuries ~ nope, skiing is not the most dangerous


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
Sledding. Seriously. Sledding???

Yup, toss your children on that old Flexible Flyer and let them go . . . headfirst into a tree?

How the heck did we survive childhood? Seriously bouncing around the back of a pick-up truck in the summer . . . if a cop stopped your parents it was to tell them to put UP the tailgate. Riding in cars without seatbelts. Living in houses with lead paint and outlets that didn't have "ground fault interruptors" and riding bikes without helmets, knee and elbow pads - OH THE HORROR.

Well SKIING is only #5 in the injury parade.

SUNDAY, March 6 (HealthDay News) -- Sledding is the most common cause of injury among winter sports enthusiasts, according to an orthopedic surgeon who made a list of the top five injury-causing winter activities.

"More than 700,000 injuries are reported each year in the United States due to sledding. More than 30 percent are head injuries caused by collisions," Dr. Daryl O'Connor, a sports medicine specialist at Gottlieb Memorial Hospital in Melrose Park, Ill., part of the Loyola University Health System, said in a Loyola news release.

The others in the top five are:
  • Hockey: "Lacerations, as well as neck, shoulder and knee injuries are common in hockey. Many injuries are caused through contact with another player, the ice, a pack or actual skate blade," O'Conner reports.
  • Ice skating: "Injuries to the wrist as well as head and neck are common and most injuries are caused by falls."
  • Snowboarding: "Wrist and elbow injuries are caused by falls on outstretched hands."
  • Skiing: "Knees really take a pounding and injury is often caused by extreme twisting force propelled by the skis."


New member
Our son in law broke his femur sledding while winter camping in the boundary waters canoe area. It took 5hrs to get him to a hospital.
He lost the femoral head and had to have a hip replacement at 25yr old.