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Window keep falling off Philly high rise


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
Well this is not good.

And its a serious threat to anyone walking on the sidewalk, or driving on the street, near this building.


Attaching windows to residential and office towers has been done for several decades. Why this building? Did they screw something up? Try something new? Clearly the thing that works on the worlds tallest buildings is not being done here! This building is apparently adjacent to popular walking and biking path in the city.

FULL STORY AT ZeroHedge link above ^^^

"Someone's Going To Die": Windows Keep Randomly Falling Off New Philadelphia High Rise

Windows keep falling off a building in Philadelphia and no one seems to care enough to do anything about it.
“Someone’s going to die,” a resident told the Philadelphia Inquirer. “Past three months I think we’ve had six or seven windows fall. Eventually it’s going to fall on someone.”
The Riverwalk building, a residence near the Schuylkill River that was built in 2021 by Philadelphia’s largest residential landlord, PMC Property Group, is "shedding its windows", according to Penn Live, citing the Inquirer. ...
PMC Property Group has gone litigious . . . The lawsuits, filed in June and July, claim that the companies supplied windows worth tens of millions of dollars that allegedly "spontaneously" break.
... over 60 windows have "spontaneously" broken across three towers. Residents claim management has done little despite three years of complaints.
According to Penn Live citing Fox 29, recent months have seen six or seven windows fall, posing a danger. PMC Management stated they are aware of the issues and have taken immediate steps, including filing a lawsuit against Wausau Window.
PMC is working with Philadelphia's Departments of Licenses and Inspections, structural engineers, and a glass vendor to replace cracked windows and is installing protective scaffolding at Riverwalk.
PMC said: “These incidents have led us to file suit against the manufacturer, Wausau Window, to resolve any defects. PMC is also working closely with the city of Philadelphia’s Departments of Licenses and Inspections and structural engineers."