For those of you with a Keurig Coffeemaker, use this link. K-Cups can get expensive.
No thanks. You give them your e-mail addy then your in box is flooded with unwanted junk mail as soon as they sell your name to every list that will pay for it. It's not worth the aggravation.
I had a Keurig machine and its pretty handy, but honestly no matter how many of the different coffees that I tried I found that I got tired of them and went back to plain old Folgers in my drip machine. The Keurig is great if you only drink an occasional cup, but I tend to drink a pot or two a day.
I had a Keurig machine and its pretty handy, but honestly no matter how many of the different coffees that I tried I found that I got tired of them and went back to plain old Folgers in my drip machine. The Keurig is great if you only drink an occasional cup, but I tend to drink a pot or two a day.
This is not what I thought it was about!!!!!!I thought I was going to see somthing I had never seen before!!!!all I found is coffee makers!!!!Oh well I did get to see the eqlips. guess that is enough excitement for an old man for one nite!!!!! Think I need to go curl up eith my red head
Were you expecting something more like this:
Naughty, naughty!