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Wild Woman


Floppy Member
SUPER Site Supporter
I was under the impression a Tazer was not to be used unless the situation called for a weapon. I don't think he would have shot her in this instance, therefore I (and it's my opinion - doesn't matter if you agree with me) think he needs to be disciplined.

Had that been my mother he did that to (though he wouldn't have because she is white and drives a Caddy), they might find his body with a note stating he had "been tazed".

Thanks for posting it Doc. I kept wanting to say I thought she got what she deserved...but I guess I'm getting old because I don't think she deserved what he did.

Then again, he probably have lost his job if he had given her what she deserved...


Bottoms Up
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
Yeah, I thought he was a bit of a hardass ....but she was an idiot. She'll probably end up with a few millon from the ordeal.


Extra Super Moderator
This is a clear case of police brutality and you can hear the officer trying to cover up the fact by accusing the woman of taking a swing at the officer. If you watch the tape from the time that he opens the car door to the time that he tasers her, there is no way that she could have taken a swing at him or any other officer. After he tasers her, you can see the other officer coming from the back of the vehicle. He didn't like the fact that she was using a cell phone and that was his retaliation. I am surprised that the video was released from the department. I can see a civil rights law suit coming out of this incident. Does anyone know what department this is from????? I can also see the officer making a career change when he is fired for brutality......


New member
All I will say is that you do what the man says or else something like this could happen. If this would have been a black man it would probably have been worse. Enough said.


Big Dog

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GOLD Site Supporter
She extended my patience just by watching it. IMO, a man would have had cuffs on by the time she got tazed. Put yourself in his shoes listening to the bullshit, insubordination and obvious stalling. Sorry, I side with the officer!

How long is he to put up with her chit?
Cuffs initially are for the officers protection.
It obviously would have become physical.
Suspect got about the same damage she would have if it became physical.
No damage to the officers.


Floppy Member
SUPER Site Supporter
"How long is he to put up with her chit?"

Until she does something to warrant being tazed - not until he thinks she "MIGHT" do something.

If that is the case, they might as well taze you as soon as you roll down your window, 'cause, ya know, you MIGHT have been aggressive when you were asked a question...:2gunsfiri

Big Dog

Large Member
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GOLD Site Supporter
Believe me when I say I have no clue as to proper police protocol. Maybe someone can chime in and let me/us know what is the procedure for a beligerent uncooperating suspect that refuses to be arrested? I'd like to know!


I would have to say that I don't believe the cop did anything wrong. If he didn't taze her and they had to forcefully get her out of the car, what's to say she wouldn't be hurt even more while putting up a fight?


Floppy Member
SUPER Site Supporter
"I was under the impression a Tazer was not to be used unless the situation called for a weapon. I don't think he would have shot her in this instance..."

As I stated earlier, the Tazer is considered a weapon and to be used in the place of lethal force (gun) to subdue a suspect...not to just stun the supect to make it easier to get the handcuffs on them.


The Crazy Scot, #3
SUPER Site Supporter
I think I'd have whacked her again just for being stupid and overly dramatic. :4_11_9: Did I ever tell you guys I wouldn't make a good cop?:rofl1: :beer: