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Wild Ramblings . . .


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Wild Ramblings . . .

Wild ramblings from the Wild and Woolly West . . .

Last week I saw some water pouring out near my meter. Here the water dept. is run by the city of Phoenix so I gave them a ring.
They said not to worry because even though it's so dry and rains so little that the lizards have to buy Evian, no problem we can just let water run down the street.
Today I saw them out "fixing the problem."
They put this up . . .

And viola it's fixed

I figured that meant they would be back Manana and once it's Manana, well it's no longer Manana is it?
Surprisingly though I didn't have to wait until tomorrow.
I was surprised because after lunch and a siesta they came back and fixed it

Then they sent a white boy to pound on my door and wake me up from my siesta to explain everything I knew already

But I was nice and listened to him, made him feel important

Since the water department is run by the city I thought shocking that they did their job.
But before I had (another) seizure, I saw it was business as usual with the FEDS.

I got back a Christmas card. I wrote the correct address, but was off one digit on the ZIP Code. Guess they couldn't find Chandler AZ.?

"Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds."

But you need to put on the correct ZIP code or you are SOL!
Anyway that's today's ramble from the Wild and Woolly West where men are men, women shoot as well as men, the chili is hot the beer is cold and the sheep are nervous - oops strike the sheep part that's Montana!


Bottoms Up
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
Cat, you are on a roll my man!!!! :thumb:
What's next?


Bottoms Up
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
for you Cat.


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