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Wife wants nice COMPACT binoculars for Christmas


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
My wife would like a set of decent quality ($200 to $300) COMPACT binoculars.

We're heading to Spain for Easter and she wants them to be light and small for travel. But she said I can also use them on an upcoming hog hunt in the spring. So they have double duty use.

Anyone look at the offering from MINOX, VIPER, LEUPOLD or NIKON and can you give me some suggestions?
For the money , I think Nikon is as good as it gets . We purchased a set for our Caretaker in Panama for birding . They are light , small and work extremely well . Sorry , I do not remember the model number but they cost in the $300 range .
I also use a bigger set of Nikons for hunting and love them . Get the straps that hold it close to her chest when she is not using them . I purchased mine at Cabelas . A damn good investment if you be birding , hunting or using them alot .
For the money , I think Nikon is as good as it gets . We purchased a set for our Caretaker in Panama for birding . They are light , small and work extremely well . Sorry , I do not remember the model number but they cost in the $300 range .
I also use a bigger set of Nikons for hunting and love them . Get the straps that hold it close to her chest when she is not using them . I purchased mine at Cabelas . A damn good investment if you be birding , hunting or using them alot .

Agree completely. :biggrin:

the cabelas products are quite popular around here and i goy aset of luapolds inexpensive 10x4- bino's a couple of years ago and they have served me fine best 170.00 i have spent in a long time my nicone were great glass but not water proof and foggd up after 1 down pour . the luapolds have fallen into the water and not fogged yet
Check out this siteB&W Photo I've been buying my computer and camera equipment for years. Their people are very knowledgeable and prices somewhat competitive.
Back from Cabelas.

Bought all (5000) Remington large pistol primers they had; picked up 7# of powder too. 4# for rifle ammo, 3# for pistol. Would have bought more but I emptied the shelves of the powders that I wanted.

Also tested out some binoculars they had. Sadly they had display models but no inventory of the model that I wanted. After looking through the glass across the store it was apparent to me that the VORTEX brand is totally awesome and a great value.

Picked this model => http://www.vortexoptics.com/product/vortex-diamondback-8x28-binocular

Went to the courtesy desk and ordered a set of Vortex binocs for my lovely wife for Christmas.

Was told they should arrive by 12/20. When does the world end????
I'm hearing lots of good things about Vortex optics. The quality sure seems to be there, they looked better than anything else in the price range. Figured I'd give them a try.
Bottom Line :
If they give good eye relief , clarity, fog proof and work for the intended purpose she wants to use them for ......nothing else matters.
I never buy based on price alone.

Merry Christmas :biggrin:
Well I never tried their binoculars before picking up the demo pair at Cabelas when I went shopping but their rifle scopes are AMAZING and a great value. Expensive, but lower priced and better performing than other comparable brands. The binoculars were delivered the other day and I played with them a bit before wrapping them and putting them under the tree. For the price they are great. The Vortex Viper binoculars are a bit nicer, but this model is great. I think the optics are way better than comparably priced Nikon, Burris, Leupold, etc.