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Wife wants a new camera !!!


Gone But Not Forgotten
I have a problem ... The wife wants a new Digital camera . That’s fine ,but now she wants to drag my ass all over town looking at cameras .... that ain't fine ....:doh:

Big Al's don't do that . We just open our wallet pay for it and hope we get to stay home or in the shop tinkerin on stuff that’s important:chef: . Camera's don't fall in this category with me .It ain't important .

Now I know that not to long ago a bunch of people here were talkin about cameras and other such nonsense .

She Wants: More than 6 Pixies or something like that .Digital. zoomable . Maybe work with her big telescopic Nikon lens she already has on the other camera that cost about 1 bazillion dollars !!!!Can takes lots of pictures of wildlife and critters . I probably got 5000 pictures of the ficken cat alone and its like a month old .

What I want : Under $500 bucks , to be left at home .

So tell me what is good so I don't get drug all over town .
town ...
I bought a panasonic camera last year. 7 meg with a six optical zoom and all the goodies. It takes good pics outside but not inside or on cloudy days. I have read a lot since then and i think Canons take the best pics. This might end up a gift for the oldest granddaughter. Then i'll go buy me a Canon like one of these two models. One is a 10 zoom and the other a 6 zoom.


I have read a lot since then and i think Canons take the best pics. This might end up a gift for the oldest granddaughter. Then i'll go buy me a Canon like one of these two models. One is a 10 zoom and the other a 6 zoom.



I have the second one of the two (Canon SX100) and I love it... takes great pictures... the price is right too. I recommend it!
Type in www.bhphoto.com and sit home and shop. B&H is the largest seller of photographic equipment (70% of market) and has great prices and fast shipping.

For a great walk-around non-DSLR camera that even accepts an external flash -- I recommend the Canon G9.

I asked that same question here some time ago (looking for a digital camera).

Bob here had me interested in the camera he bought, a Panasonic DMC-FZ27.

Not a small pocket camera, but not a large SLR type as well. Easy to carry, and a very good dizital zoom lens.

Both my wife and I are extrememly hapy. Great camera, love it.

I looked online, I couldn't find that model where I bought it at, but this may be the camera that replaced that model.


I've found this site to have some of the best prices I could find anywhere, even on a GPS unit. Keep in mind, my advice is if you buy from this place, DON"T buy the accessories there. That's where they make their money. They tend to be extrememly high.
your only problem may be your price range in combination with the big tele lens she has................

fun shopping and follow Daves advice, and also check adorama.com