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Wife THOUGHT she was driving the Snow Trac, but . . .


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
I dunno.

My wife was in the field, well off the driveway, in my daughter's little diesel VW Jetta with the low profile performance tires, spinning them in the snow and stuck.


Did she think she was in the Snow Trac? :17875:

It appears she was, at some point, on the rear driveway, but as we got a fresh 6" of snow with a bit of drifting, she lost sight of the drive and headed off into the grass . . . then the car sort of slid laterally before getting stuck good.

30' tow strap, a diesel tractor, and low gear . . . worked her back onto the drive. She then approached the road and put the car into the 2' deep ditch next to the road. :mellow: Of course the ditch was completely filled with snow, so now the front end of the car was sunk in the snow up over top of the front bumper.

Got it out of there too. I was a bit surprised, but it came out pretty easily. My jeans were soaked through, I think I need a cab on my tractor.

I think I need BigAl to make me a HOT Dr PEPPER & RUM :fr2:


Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
You should know that a photo would help sell the story.

Around here if a Diesel VW is found in either the ditch or yard (during a snow event), it was most likely driven there on purpose, merely for the enjoyment of it by my son or daughter. There is no cause for angst as i view it as developing car control skills, and at a minimum survival skills.

Good times.


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
. . . i view it as developing car control skills . . .
Well she was developing wheel spin but I don't think there was any control and certainly no skill involved either.

Snowtrac Nome

member formerly known as dds
GOLD Site Supporter
sounds like your wife wanted to demonstrate to you how life would be if you got that krusty you were thinking about.

Short bus

New member
Well she was developing wheel spin but I don't think there was any control and certainly no skill involved either.

That is funny,:yum: no mater how many times you tell some one a decelerating wheel grabs traction they don't get it. Developing wheel spin good one.