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I wanted to start a new thread base on something BoneheadNW said in the "i was disappointed thread".
You make an excellent point here.
Why were we attacked on 9/11?? I response I heard from the President on 9/11 was "we were attached by these people because they do not like Freedom".
Anyone else remember this? Somehow people allowed this to be an acceptable explaination??? WTF?
Later you also make a very good point.. you bring up the quote about "if you do not learn from history, we are bound to repeat it (mistakes)."
We made a lot of mistakes after World War I. We punished the other side and they came back even more pissed at us 30 years later and so we had World War II.
After World War II, we wised up and helped to rebuild those countries after we over took them and now those countries are one of our greatest allies. Bravo!!
What the heck are we doing now?? Anyone that thinks that starting a War with a Middle Eastern Country was a good idea is a short sighted idiot. Yes, they may appear under our control right now but I can guarantee you that this is just the start of something much bigger. We have really stepped in the shit now. If we don't try to fix relationships with the middle east country and understand why we were REALLY attached in the first place, but instead react in force we are just bring more bloodshed to our shores. I have heard no one try to understand why they were so mad at us in the first place to cause 9/11 nor have we done anything to stop this anger in the future.
Bonehead,BoneheadNW said:A perfect example of why I am terrified of citizens following their leaders blindly can be seen in the Nazi society (wow, we are back to the thread title!). Without having to list the actions of that society based on what the government told it's citizens (i.e. Jews are evil and must be eradicated, etc), it is not difficult to see why a society's citizens should constantly question authority rather than blindly follow it.
You make an excellent point here.
Why were we attacked on 9/11?? I response I heard from the President on 9/11 was "we were attached by these people because they do not like Freedom".
Anyone else remember this? Somehow people allowed this to be an acceptable explaination??? WTF?
Later you also make a very good point.. you bring up the quote about "if you do not learn from history, we are bound to repeat it (mistakes)."
We made a lot of mistakes after World War I. We punished the other side and they came back even more pissed at us 30 years later and so we had World War II.
After World War II, we wised up and helped to rebuild those countries after we over took them and now those countries are one of our greatest allies. Bravo!!
What the heck are we doing now?? Anyone that thinks that starting a War with a Middle Eastern Country was a good idea is a short sighted idiot. Yes, they may appear under our control right now but I can guarantee you that this is just the start of something much bigger. We have really stepped in the shit now. If we don't try to fix relationships with the middle east country and understand why we were REALLY attached in the first place, but instead react in force we are just bring more bloodshed to our shores. I have heard no one try to understand why they were so mad at us in the first place to cause 9/11 nor have we done anything to stop this anger in the future.