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Who cut the fiber optics cable?

300 H and H

Bronze Member
GOLD Patron
Our lacal telephone company is running fiber optics to all the house holds here. There is a construction company doing this, and yesterday they cut the fiber comming into town, about 9:30 in the morning. Took 12 hours to splice. They hit it with a back hoe, while digging up a connection. No phone system or internet. The patch truck/trailer was there till ten oclock last night. Like remodeling a home, it a bit of a mess. But when it is done I will have a fast of connection as anyone can, from what we are being told. Fiber from our homes into the system. Cann't wait till it's done!

Regards, Kirk
you are (or will be) way ahead of us. I wonder if we'll ever get fiber out in the sticks where I live. It took forever just to get cable, and I feel lucky to have that.
you are (or will be) way ahead of us. I wonder if we'll ever get fiber out in the sticks where I live. It took forever just to get cable, and I feel lucky to have that.
Yea, same for me.

Cutting a main fiber line is a very costly mistake. I thought I recall that the penalties or cost for repairs for cutting were in the tens of thousands of dollars per hour.
I cut one once. Was well covered by the bad markout by the locate company. Took pictures to cover myself as I was 5 ft. from their marks. Worst part was the housewife's bitching cause I also took out their cable during the soap operas. It is a very tedious job to splice it under magnification. Still better than hitting primary or a big gas line.:whistling:
Could have been worse and been the cable tv line, that probablly would have started mass riots if folks missed out on all of their favorite "reality" shows. :doh:
I wish we could get cable/hi-speed internet. The telco won't run it to our neighborhood. Not enough density for them to make any money. :(
We don't have cable TV but the unlimited long distance and DSL at 10MB is only $72 a month. I was amazed we had fiber since half the places are Amish around here.
the old copper has it's advantages just strip the wires back splice them cut the bottom off a silicone rtv tube slide it over the splice than burry it again like nothing happened
I wish we could get cable/hi-speed internet. The telco won't run it to our neighborhood. Not enough density for them to make any money. :(

Same here. I suppose I should be glad that I have Wi-Fi as it looks as if that is all I'm going to have for a very long time.
Feel lucky the loacls kept the telephone company, and it has done well. We wouldn't be getting this if we relied on a national carrier. Turns out the towns around here that kept their phone and electrical companies are doing well. Those that contracted those services out, less well.

Our phone company had a one into 20 stock split some yers ago. Now ATT has built a poaching cell tower to poach calls away from ours. Ain't competition great?

Regards, Kirk