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Who all here beleive in the Dousing technique to find buryed lines ?


Wait for it.
I know a few of you that dont . :whistling: But I have been reading elsewhere where some of us used to frequent a few threads about it being used and was wondering if anyone here other then myself has given it a shot . :unsure:

I know its not a popular topic and seems to get quite heated at times mainly from the non beleivers though IMHO . But I would like to have a friendly discusion about it, as my wife and I both tried it last night to find some buryed lines we haven't been able to locate by other means . Is anyone up for it ? :biggrin:

Oh Yea , Skeptics are welcome as well because I have a simple challenge for you and I think you might be surprised, My wife sure was .:wink:
I have a backhoe that I use for finding lines!:clap:
Yea, Yea, I heard that alot in the other threads :biggrin:. But I aint talking about finding them by accident . :yum:

But seriously have you ever even tried it with two so called divining rods . Alls I had was a couple of sticks of brazing rod I bent into L shape . :wink:
I don't find them by accident too often. Usually it is folks who can't remember so you just dig till you find them. I did know an old fella downstate Pa. who was good with the rods. He located a lot of good wells and springs over the years that never ran dry even in drought conditions.
I don't find them by accident too often. Usually it is folks who can't remember so you just dig till you find them. I did know an old fella downstate Pa. who was good with the rods. He located a lot of good wells and springs over the years that never ran dry even in drought conditions.

Yup I had a cousin while I was growing up as a kid that could witch for water and tell you exactlly where to drill a well and how deep . He found several for quite a few family members and they were all beleivers . Me not so much allthough I was rather impressed by it .

Untill trying it myself last night while my wife was laughing her butt off I was a skeptic too . I finally talked her into trying it and she couldn't beleive it worked either . But she sure does now . :biggrin:

We both tryed it several times using different methods to hold the rods . When I was perty sure we had it right . I changed my grip on the rods putting preasure against the rod with my thumb so it couldn't spin freely and it amazed me that they both pulled when I crossed one specific area everytime .

I dug down about 2 feet and there it was . Its a 1 1/2 black plastic pipe that runs from our heat pump to a disposal well . I dug it up at the base of the house so I know where it started and I know where it ends but due to it being run around several very large trees I had no clue which way it was routed . After that I went and found a couple of electric lines that were buryed years ago running to some of our outbuildings , I haven't dug them up yet to be sure yet . But I found it interesting enough I would like to have a few others just try it just for the heck of it . :biggrin:

I dont think theres any majic or science to it , I think it has something to do with what little electrical charge we all have within us . At least thats the only thing that makes sense to me . :unsure:
My Dad carried a set of brass rods in the truck and could find good water , buried lines . or property corners . I never had the talent . It was amazing to see him work . I never saw him miss .
Years ago we moved out to the lake and had to have a well drilled. The guy running the drilling rig came by, grabbed a Y shaped stick, held it at the two ends spreading it slightly apart. He walked around the yard and every time he walked over a certain area, the stick would tip down. He showed me how he held the stick. I tried it and sure enough, the stick tipped down at the same spot. The guy set up his drilling rig right were the stick pointed and began drilling. He had to drill about 200 feet then struck the underground spring. We had enough water for 10 houses afterwards.
Years ago we moved out to the lake and had to have a well drilled. The guy running the drilling rig came by, grabbed a Y shaped stick, held it at the two ends spreading it slightly apart. He walked around the yard and every time he walked over a certain area, the stick would tip down. He showed me how he held the stick. I tried it and sure enough, the stick tipped down at the same spot. The guy set up his drilling rig right were the stick pointed and began drilling. He had to drill about 200 feet then struck the underground spring. We had enough water for 10 houses afterwards.
Yup thats the way the guy did for my Dad as well . I still dont know or understand how that works anymore then how one could clain to find water with the two wires . Our watertable is only around 20 foot deep or so . I cant imagine me NOT hitting water anywhere I choose to put a well in on our property , which leads me to wonder how I can find buryed lines without any interference from the ground water below .

All I know is it did work and for the purpose of finding buryed lines I dont think there is any talent involved as it worked for both my wife and I . Thats why I was curious to know if any others have tried or would be willing to give it a try just out of curiousity . From what I understand any type of wire straightened then bent into an L shape will work but I had brazing rod handy so I tried it .

But now I wonder if the brass doesn't do even a better job , because I didn't hold the wires loosly like others suggested but they still pulled inward when I crossed the line , as I walked slowly past they continued to point backwards thats how I narrowed down exactlly where to dig . :biggrin:

I cant explain it but it did work for us . I even tried to use my metal detector to find it before with no luck , coarse it being a plastic line that didn't surprise me much . :unsure:
I'm not gonna say I am a total believer, but I tried it once on my septic lines and it worked for me. I tried two pieces of galvanized ceiling support wire about 18" long and an 8"leg. I knew approx. where the two lines came out of the house (others would say that was the give away). But I needed to find where they connected. They were around the corner of the house from each other. I started with one and marked where the wires crossed (much to my surprise) all along it's path. Then tried the other pipe and marked it along it's path. Where they intersected (around the corner) I marked it. Fired up a rented mini-ex and started digging. Found the Y in the pipe just as I had hoped. Dug up the one pipe so I could replace it and put in a new Y. I have no water lines to try it on, my well is 3' from the foundation. The only other underground piping is the gas line, haven't tried it, no reason to. So, it worked once and that's all I have to say about that.
I have a divining rod that will point straight up when in close proximity to my wife (does that count):whistling:
Uh Yea AA Close enuff, but I dont wanna know anymore about that there devining rod and sure as hell dont wanna see pics . But thanks for the input . :yum:
I'm not gonna say I am a total believer, but I tried it once on my septic lines and it worked for me. I tried two pieces of galvanized ceiling support wire about 18" long and an 8"leg. I knew approx. where the two lines came out of the house (others would say that was the give away). But I needed to find where they connected. They were around the corner of the house from each other. I started with one and marked where the wires crossed (much to my surprise) all along it's path. Then tried the other pipe and marked it along it's path. Where they intersected (around the corner) I marked it. Fired up a rented mini-ex and started digging. Found the Y in the pipe just as I had hoped. Dug up the one pipe so I could replace it and put in a new Y. I have no water lines to try it on, my well is 3' from the foundation. The only other underground piping is the gas line, haven't tried it, no reason to. So, it worked once and that's all I have to say about that.

Yup thats all I want to know is if it even worked once for anyone Thankyou for the input . :wink:

I dont blame anyone that dont want to share their experiences if they had them good or bad . Mainly because of the skeptics that wont even give it a try & I will say again I was a quiet skeptic about it untill I tried it last night and was amazed it worked for my needs . I just wanted to share my little bit of luck with everyone in case it may come in usefull to others someday . It sure dont cost nothing to give it a try . :wink:

I aint the kind of guy thats gonna call something BS if I haven't at least made a good effort to try it for myself .

The only thing I can add is walk real slow & if you even feel any pull or movement , tighten the grip so theres no doubt that there really is something to it . If it dont work you aint out nothing but a little time , which I have plenty of . :biggrin:

I would still like to here from others , Thanks again .
All kidding a side,i had tried to find an old water line with rods when i first bought my property, the rods i used were steel welding rods bent at a 90 deg. it may be i just wasn't using them correct. i ended up using a metal detector.
I have watched line, water, gold and gem dowsers work. I wish I could do it, but don't seem to be able to learn the technique. It works about 95% of the time.
All kidding a side,i had tried to find an old water line with rods when i first bought my property, the rods i used were steel welding rods bent at a 90 deg. it may be i just wasn't using them correct. i ended up using a metal detector.
Good ta know AA . I dont know if theres a wrong way to use them , Most I have heard that it worked for used a straightened out clothes hanger . But I never heard anyone say that they could tighten the grip on them and still have them try to pull in the right direction . Maybe brass rods are better I have no clue . :unsure:

Thanks for the input , but still no pics of the other deal please . :biggrin:
I've done it with dare I say it success using straightened/bent clothes hangers. Kind of knew the general area but it pointed me to the exact spot. Monica has an uncle the just recently used it when his daughter bought a house trailer to find an existing water line that ran to his house. When he dug the hole, he was dead on top of the waterline and didn't have a clue as to where it was before he dug the hole. He was skeptical because he didn't think the waterline should have been where it was telling him, but he couldn't find it anywhere else.:whistling:
I've done it with dare I say it success using straightened/bent clothes hangers. Kind of knew the general area but it pointed me to the exact spot. Monica has an uncle the just recently used it when his daughter bought a house trailer to find an existing water line that ran to his house. When he dug the hole, he was dead on top of the waterline and didn't have a clue as to where it was before he dug the hole. He was skeptical because he didn't think the waterline should have been where it was telling him, but he couldn't find it anywhere else.:whistling:
Yep I was skeptical too JW , but from what I've read latelly theres far more people that said it worked for them then the ones that dont beleive or willing to at least try it for theirselves . Thats the main reason I gave it a shot and was fairlly shocked it worked . :biggrin:

Thanks for your input and I hope some of the folks that dont beleive will at least give it a try , it sure came in handy for me . :biggrin:
Great topic,

I have used the twin welding rod method for finding under ground wires, pipes, ect for many years. But one must be care full with where you do this. For instance you will be unable to locate any thingburried underneath power lines. Interference I guess.

I use it mostly to locate drainage tiles, and it works nearly all of the time.

Never tried the forked branch for water though...but I bet it works as well.

Regards, Kirk
Great topic,

I have used the twin welding rod method for finding under ground wires, pipes, ect for many years. But one must be care full with where you do this. For instance you will be unable to locate any thingburried underneath power lines. Interference I guess.

I use it mostly to locate drainage tiles, and it works nearly all of the time.

Never tried the forked branch for water though...but I bet it works as well.

Regards, Kirk
Thanks for the input Kirk . :wink:

I never tried the branch deal either but seen it work when I was growing up . My dad had drilled 4 different wells and couldn't hit one decent well . He called my cousin that had been known to "witch" wells and he came out and found a real good well right in the middle of the area the others were drilled , he even told him how deep to go . :unsure: It never made no sense to me but made a beleiver out of my dad .

I need to put down a new well soon so I'm at least going to give it a shot . :unsure:
I was also sceptical about dowsing, but have tried it with a bent piece of fencing wire, I do know a known dowser and he got exactly the same results as me. I also use a crystal and this has told me where my well is, but I haven't yet dug it to find out if it is accurate. Apparently a large majority of people are able to dowse, but don't know it. They are also healers, but again don't realise. When I am able to dig for my well, I will tell you what I find. I am only dowsing for water, you realise, not cables etc.

One interesting thing I discovered, that if I was only using one piece of bent fencing wire, and I held my other hand out forward, the rod would cross to that hand, but if I held that hand behind me, the rod would go the other way to try to cross the hand behind me. I hope that makes sense as it is difficult to describe.
I've never heard of using only one rod and the hand technique, Anita. That's interesting. I am going to give coaxing a try in the near future.
I was also sceptical about dowsing, but have tried it with a bent piece of fencing wire, I do know a known dowser and he got exactly the same results as me. I also use a crystal and this has told me where my well is, but I haven't yet dug it to find out if it is accurate. Apparently a large majority of people are able to dowse, but don't know it. They are also healers, but again don't realise. When I am able to dig for my well, I will tell you what I find. I am only dowsing for water, you realise, not cables etc.

One interesting thing I discovered, that if I was only using one piece of bent fencing wire, and I held my other hand out forward, the rod would cross to that hand, but if I held that hand behind me, the rod would go the other way to try to cross the hand behind me. I hope that makes sense as it is difficult to describe.
Thanks for the input Ice Queen , I will be looking forward to how the well works out for you .

That is odd when using just one rod . I may have to try that ans see what happens . I did however try holding both rods in my right hand and when I crossed the pipe they both pointed outwards . :wink:
Also another interesting and useless piece of information that I have also discovered, that dowsing can be done with just the bare hands. I have done this, incidentally with several 'bevvies' on board, and the feeling of the 'power' (for want of a better word to describe it) was so strong that I could not believe I could not see it. Incidentally too, if you are a healer and you or the person you are trying to help, are taking pain killers, it seems to prevent it working, though I haven't found that with dowsing..............it is all very strange. Trouble is our 'civilisation' has lost a lot of information that our ancestors knew.