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Where is the rake?


Bottoms Up
Staff member
US Navy Veteran
Vietnam Veteran
Platinum Patron
A man was working in the garden, and his wife was about to take a shower.
He realized that he couldn't find the rake and yelled up to his wife. "Where is the rake?"
She couldn't hear, and she yelled back, "What?"
He pointed to his eye and then pointed to his knee and made a raking motion.
His wife wasn't sure and said, "What?"
He repeated the gestures. "EYE - KNEED - THE RAKE"
His wife replied that she understands and signals back.
She first points to her eye, next she points to her left breast, points to her backside, and finally to her crotch.
Well, there is no way in hell he could even come close to that one.
Exasperated, He went upstairs and asked her, "What the hell was that?"
She replies: