I've always been interested in machinery, mostly for what they could do, so I had my time at the controls of crawler tractors. back hoes. loaders, articulating grapples, etc, but always as a tool to get a particular job done - I spent a few years on the ski hill, often waiting for the groomer to come, but seldom had a lot of desire to drive one - about the only time I'd drive one on our local ski hill was when I was asked to open the "East Run" ( a particularly steep nasty group of short cliffs linked together by appliance sized boulders on a slope that would better be served by climbing gear, than skis, I thought ) - none of the regular volunteer operators wanted to head down that slope until there was at least one grooming pass done - about 4 decades ago I got into racing sleddogs - not the long distance dogs that trot along at a sedate 7 or 8 mph, but sprint dogs that can average 20+ mph for 20 miles or more at a time - to train dogs to be able to perform such a feat, the trail has to be safe or they lose confidence in the driver - that's when I started learning about trail preparation - in the early years my buddy and I would head out on snow shoes to pack a trail after a heavy snow fall - that got old rather quickly, so I got a snowmobile and came up with some sort of drag to smooth the moguls left by the snowmobile crowd - about 25 years ago I invested in an elderly sno-trac and designed a drag with a remotely operated hydraulic blade ( this was in the days before the internet, and I'd never seen a drag or even a picture of one ) - the drag worked great ( it's still in use ) but it was too heavy for the sno-trac to make a turn when the snow was heavy - - I've stumbled along since then, with more modern snowmobiles, even a J5, and finally decided to bite the bullet and get a machine that would put in the kind of trail, no matter the snow conditions, that I wanted to run my dogs on before I was too old to run them - so this spring I bought a very nice 82, 1344 Tucker, ex utility company, with low hours - it's such a nice machine that I've been thinking I might explore some of the local back country mountains next year ( just for the fun of it )