The writer is a bit over the top isn't he....I suspect he wants violence is because the Government here has failed to stop Monsanto from doing anything it wants with out penalty. People are getting fed up with that...But I don't agree with this approach.
The damge that has been done is to the price farmers recieve for wheat. It has dropped pretty hard in price, as there is now an international boycott of our wheat. Monsanto should be paying the difference, as they are the sole reason. They should also pay for the testing of the wheat to see if it is clean of their GM organizm. This will all add up to a fabulous amount of Monsanto money being payed out. It won't kill them either to pay for their misdeads.
I don't think they should be allowed open field testing anymore either. This isn't the first time they blundered this aspect of their attemp to monopolise Agriculture. They wish to "control the food in our country from dirt to plate" And they wonder why we don't like them much...
Another example is their field test plots. Every company is kinda proud of their test plots. All their machinery and trucks proudly display their logo, and you know who they are...Monsanto's crews drive and wear plain white, with nothing denoting Monstanto on ANYTHING. They want no one to know who or what they are up too. Many folks here have no idea of the test plots here locally. They sure don't advertise their presants in the countryside. I think this is pretty fishy....
Regards, Kirk