I found the transcript.
Here's a full copy.
Here's an excerpt. Bolding it mine. Sandoval went on to say (in the full transcript) that cops and the Coast Guard should be our defense if attacked.
HANNITY: I rarely agree with Dianne Feinstein. And she even says this is not the San Francisco that I know. This is — and I guess this is the mentality. Do you think America should unilaterally disarm? Should we give up our weaponry and our war — our tools of war?
SANDOVAL: You know, that's a very complicated question. But I would say yes, we should. We should invest our money in our kids.
ALAN COLMES, CO-HOST: This is Alan in New York. Should we not have military?
I don't think we should have a military. Absolutely.
COLMES: We shouldn't have a military? Wait a minute. Hold on. The United States should not have a military?
SANDOVAL: What good has it done for us in the last five years? That's right. What good has it done us...
HANNITY: Good grief.
SANDOVAL: ... in the last five years.
COLMES: Gerardo, wait a second.
SANDOVAL: We think about the billions that we're spending in Iraq right now, if we spend it on schools. We should not...
The United States should not have a military?
That's correct.
COLMES: Are you kidding me?
The United States should not have a military. All in all, we would be in much, much, much better shape.
COLMES: You've got to be kidding me. We should have no military, we should have no ability to defend ourselves, we should have no armed forces in this country?
SANDOVAL: Well, we shouldn't have a military that goes abroad and starts wars.
COLMES: You just said we shouldn't have a military. I don't want to give — I'm speaking out very forcefully to you, because I don't want to give the impression that Democrats hate the military or don't want a military. We may disagree with certain wars, like the ones fought now.
SANDOVAL: No, but you said should we give up.
COLMES: But to say that we shouldn't have a military is absolutely absurd. It's incredible. That's a ridiculous fringe point of view.