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What is your Domain worth?


Bottoms Up
Staff member
US Navy Veteran
Vietnam Veteran
Platinum Patron
I found a really cool site today.

Domain Name Scoop. Plug in any domain name and it will show number of links to and from Google and other major search engines. And it will give an approximation of the net worth of the domain name.

As of today:
which is merely a pointer to:
is worth $66
I could sell links on there for $5 each per month. (they say).

comes in at: $264
Links could sell for $3 each per month.

Net Tractor Talk is only 22 days old. While Net TV Talk is 2 months & 5 days old. Why NetTractorTalk links could sell for more than Net TV talk links I don't know at this point.

They say Forums Forums comes is worth $15,646 :eek:
But links on the home page will only sell for $3 each per month. :confused:

http://www.dothq.com/ The granddaddy of all my forums only comes in at: $810. And it lists the PR value of zero. :confused: My Google tool bar shows DotHQ as a PR of 3. (PR = Page Rank .... it is a google strengh parm. The higher your page rank the better. There are only a handful of PR 10's. 10 is the highest).

Of course I had to check to see what TBN rated. And was surprised to find it was stated to be worth $53,544

Try some out and share with me what you find. :D
I got some weird results...

I tried name brand sites.
marlboro.com is worth $7,000 (and change)
pepsi.com is worth $2,000,000 (and change)
I pulled up some other discreet sites. Value is $0 but they still said you could get $5 per link.
Yeah, you can't take it to seriously, but it does give a quick indication of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and how you are doing at it. Pepsi is doing great. No idea whats up with Marlboro (is that your brand BC?)

I like the link counts better than the dollar value they try to assign to it .... but we all know it always comes down to the dollars / money.

For example tbn is over 8 years old but their SEO is not so great or they would be listed as much higher in value. www.theadminzone.com which started in 2004 is listed at 187k. For real I would expect that tbn would be worth more than the admin zone because of advertising revenue and content. But that is only my guess from what I've seen at both sites.
It's probably got a lot to do with brand name recognition and the intuitiveness of simple words.

A simple intuitive domain name has got to be worth more than something that sounds cool.