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What is it? Sorry for the bad pic. Rear engine. He is asking $15000


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Blackfoot Tucker

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Assuming everything is in tact and works as designed, then I'd say that $15K is a reasonable price.
Whoa there....

The ME series (I'm not sure where the "B" is from. ME means mid-engine.) Tuckers are a breed apart. The cab configuration is always a two door, two person cab, but unlike every other similar vintage Tucker that have identical front seats, the ME's have a lesser seat for the passenger.

Tucker designed and sold these machines primarily as groomers (more on that momentarily) and they were typically equipped with a six-way blade. The blade could be ordered either with the capability of tilting left-right off the longitudinal axis (useful for cutting a path across a side hill) or with the ability to change the angle of the blade front-back, increasing or decreasing the blade's bite. The blades themselves are made for grooming, which is NOT snowplowing, and are lighter in weight and less robust than a snowplow. This machine looks like it has a pickup truck snowplow on the front which would weigh considerably more than a Tucker factory blade.

While Tucker probably built more two-door cab models than three of four door units, I think recreational snowcat owners prefer being able to carry more than one passenger. Cab conversions are done but they're expensive. But at least with a front engined machine you have that option. With an ME...not so much. I have seen an ME that someone adding an enclosure at the back...creating a mother-in-law like cab setup. If that sounds hokey to you (it does to me) it looked to put it politely, less than optimal. That machine was for sale for a very long time.

Lastly, machines used as groomers tend to get a lot of hours, and hard hours at that. Maintenance and repairs are often delayed and then frequently not performed to a high standard. Yes, some have had idler wheels and track belts replaced, which is a good thing, but my general advice is to avoid Tuckers with a history of groomer usage.

I would need a lot more photos and information to offer an opinion on whether the price is reasonable, and even then an in-person inspection could (would?) reveal things that you can't see in pictures.


Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
The ME series (I'm not sure where the "B" is from. ME means mid-engine.)

Absolutely correct. I had the 'B' pulled from the sequencing thread and must have seen it on some factory literature, but none exists when I try to find it now! There were WT (wide track) and WS (wide stance) options one the 1742ME, but that's it.

So, just "ME"
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Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
Im in on the beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

way back at the beginning of my disease. I passed on a couple of these just on looks alone. Now after stumbling into not only one but two of these beauties I actually like them, I don't like people so when folks want to ride along, I say sure, hop in.... they make up the excuse to be left out at the next stop on the grooming tour.