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What is it about Muslim countries and their braggadocio talk?


Like a bad penny...
GOLD Site Supporter
Every time some Muslim leader hits the new they claim they will destroy America, wipe Israel off the map, anyone crossing into their country will die, we will fire 150,000 rockets at Israel, etc.? The 150k rocket speech. It seems to be part of their culture to be big time talkers. I'd hate to be any country and try to do any business dealings with them. I could see them promising 100 billion barrels of oil in a deal and delivering 100 million. Is that close enough in Muslim culture speak? Do they tell their women that they are hung like their camel? :ermm:

Seriously, it seems every Muslim leader goes waaaaay overboard in threats and unfulfilled promises.


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
Seriously, it seems every Muslim leader goes waaaaay overboard in threats and unfulfilled promises.
So whats the difference between them and Obama? :whistling:

Oh Yea , he is to busy appologising to everyone to make any threats, other then that same friggen difference. :ermm:


New member
So whats the difference between them and Obama? :whistling:

Oh Yea , he is to busy appologising to everyone to make any threats, other then that same friggen difference. :ermm:

In all fairness...Or the difference between...Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, (yep even Reagan in my book) GHW Bush, Clinton, (liked him best despite him declaring he didn't have sex with "her") and GW Bush.

But hey, i haven't liked any President since JFK and i'm not gonna do the typical disclaimer...IMHO. That should be obvious, since i'm the one posting this. lol


The Old Salt
SUPER Site Supporter
I've always said that if we could send our special forces throughout the middle east and spike their drinking water with Valium the world would be a much better place. Those people are born pissed off and they only get madder the older they get. I spent a short time in Turkey when I was in the service and that was enough for me. Never went back to the middle east and have no desire to do so in the future.


Mr. Congeniality
GOLD Site Supporter
I've always said that if we could send our special forces throughout the middle east and spike their drinking water with Valium the world would be a much better place. Those people are born pissed off and they only get madder the older they get. I spent a short time in Turkey when I was in the service and that was enough for me. Never went back to the middle east and have no desire to do so in the future.

I spent 18 months in Adana, Turkey un the USAF...yep, they are a strange lot. But, they sure can cook.