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What If "They" Are Lying to Us about Ron Paul?


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
Another great video and hopefully it will go viral. :wink:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zyo10lusCY&feature=player_embedded"]What If "They" Are Lying to Us about Ron Paul? - YouTube[/ame]


New member
Easiest way to marginalize someone who is perceived as a threat is to have the media ignore anything they say or label their common sense policies kooky. Ignore that he predicted most of the crap that is hitting this country. Label him anti-military because he doesn't think soldiers and sailors should be expended on building other nations, that money spent building other countries would be better spent building our own.

The media picks the president, not the people.


Bottoms Up
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
Easiest way to marginalize someone who is perceived as a threat is to have the media ignore anything they say or label their common sense policies kooky. Ignore that he predicted most of the crap that is hitting this country. Label him anti-military because he doesn't think soldiers and sailors should be expended on building other nations, that money spent building other countries would be better spent building our own.

The media picks the president, not the people.
Well said Brien!!!!! :clap: :clap:


Proudly Deplorable
GOLD Site Supporter
What if?
What if?
What if?
What if?
What if?
What if?
What if?
What if?
What if?

I like the good judge but his presumptive 90 second intro reminds me of a reality TV series on ghosts and appirations.

What if gravity were an illusion?
What if we are all just figments of our imagintions?

What if aliens came here in the distant past?

Makes no more sense than my question....
What if they come and take Dr Paul back?

I like Ron Paul but he is more of a Ben Franklin than a Washington, Jefferson or Lincoln. And right now, we need one of those guys.


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
What if?
What if?
What if?
What if?
What if?
What if?
What if?
What if?
What if?

I like the good judge but his presumptive 90 second intro reminds me of a reality TV series on ghosts and appirations.

What if gravity were an illusion?
What if we are all just figments of our imagintions?

What if aliens came here in the distant past?

Makes no more sense than my question....
What if they come and take Dr Paul back?
Thats your opinion Franc, but you cant deny they are all very good questions to most we will never get straight answers to. :wink:


The Old Salt
SUPER Site Supporter
We need whomever has the best chance of beating Barry Hussein come November. Be that the devil himself if need be, but whomever can do the job.


Proudly Deplorable
GOLD Site Supporter
Thats your opinion Franc, but you cant deny they are all very good questions to most we will never get straight answers to. :wink:

What if they......... I love it

"They" is such a vague pronoun.

We can get straight answers. Question is who believes and acts on them. I doubt you could put most Americans in the group because most Americans don't really want to know those answers.

Ron Paul has only placed one bill thru congress in 20 years. He may have all the answers but so far he hasn't convinced many in Congress to follow him. I would suggest that speaks to his leadership, not his intellect.

But the results are the same. Bottom line is that Paul does well with college kids (maybe because of his stand on drugs) so NH college towns loved him. he also did well in Iowa on social issues. Iowa is the same state that supported Obama and then John Edwards last go around.

I would love to see him in Romney's cabinet, especialy now that Newt doesn't stand a chance to be anywhere near the oval office.
Secretary of the Treasury would be a good fit. Bet the Fed gets an audit then.:whistling:


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
He is getting far more support then from college kids Franc not to mention Military and very high up I might add. :smile:

The problem is the voters that caused all of the problems we have today have not pulled their heads out of their butts yet and figured out its theior fault, but it is gaining support from them to a little bit at a time. Yes I am talking about the baby boomers and it includes myself as well as many others on this forum. Its still along time untill the fat lady sings, either get on board with fixing the country or sit back and enjoy more of the same and continue to bitch about it. :doh:


Proudly Deplorable
GOLD Site Supporter
He is getting far more support then from college kids Franc not to mention Military and very high up I might add. :smile:

The problem is the voters that caused all of the problems we have today have not pulled their heads out of their butts yet and figured out its theior fault, but it is gaining support from them to a little bit at a time. Yes I am talking about the baby boomers and it includes myself as well as many others on this forum. Its still along time untill the fat lady sings, either get on board with fixing the country or sit back and enjoy more of the same and continue to bitch about it. :doh:

Cowboy, I was speaking specifcaly about his wins in Iowa and New Hampshire. Quatifyable results. Exit poll facts if you will. Presumptions about SC and Florida are poll speculations. A whole nuther matter.

As for voters gettng ther head out of their butts, I would suggest you expect too much. So how about dealing in reality.

Even Ron Paul himself does not expect to win the nomination. But he does expect to influence the debate. On that he has been extremely successful.

But for now the winnowing of GOP candidates has narrowed the real field to two who can not just beat Obama in a debate, which will be entertaining to watch most assuredly, but beat him in November.

If Bari could overcome his relationship to Reverend Wright, Bill Ayers and his indicted neighbor all while hiding behind his smile a host of voter fraud and an ambiguois set of creditials, garnering 53% of the popular vote, I don't think we can expect much in the way of intelligence from a majority of the voting public.

So all great ideas aside, we need the GOP candidate to be attractive, even in a vain way, as well as convincing in their arguments. There are only two who can convincinly prove they have gotten things done in government on a large scale.

Governor Romney
Former speaker Newt.

Newt would throw free market principles under the bus to save his standing in the polls. He would go back on his promise not to go negative to save his ass, just because the debate heated up. His detractors had warned us,,,and they were right.
As for me, I very much believe in the free enterprise system. So, I have turned my back on him for it.

Mitt is like the weather, not reacting to criticism, while continuing his consistant message. And of the two Romney is the one who will place Bari on defense. In truth, if he is smart, Romney can use the Bain capital experience to prove the worth of capitalism as Obama tries to condem it.
And Obama will be stuck with his defending record while at the same time, Romney can brag about his.

I did not support Romney before but unless Santorim catches fire, my support goes to Mitt.
This is a primary election,not the national one. So I cansafely promise to vote for the GOP nominee.
So far in the Primary it has seemed to be anyone but Mitt. Until recently.

Huntzman, Perry(each unlikely), Santorum, Newt, Paul, Romney. That's the lineup

Pick one, I'll vote for him in November.


Gone But Not Forgotten
Mitt is like the weather, not reacting to criticism, while continuing his consistant message. And of the two Romney is the one who will place Bari on defense. In truth, if he is smart, Romney can use the Bain capital experience to prove the worth of capitalism as Obama tries to condem it.
And Obama will be stuck with his defending record while at the same time, Romney can brag about his.

Bain Capital Experience??? Really? Do you really think the Dems are not going to jump on this one. I think Barack would have a hay day

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLWnB9FGmWE"]When Mitt Romney Came to Town[/ame]


Proudly Deplorable
GOLD Site Supporter
Bain Capital Experience??? Really? Do you really think the Dems are not going to jump on this one. I think Barack would have a hay day

When Mitt Romney Came to Town
Gime a break, Of course they will jump on it. You act like it was a secret that somehow got out maybe? Did you think the left didn't know?


Geez, if Romney isn't ready to defend Bain Capital he is naive as a newborn. Don't you get it, Capitalism verses Socialism, that is the essential debate of our next election.:whistling:

I would suggest Mitt had better be prepared for the conversation.
Or did I miss something here?

BTW, Most of the people in that film lost their jobs long after Mitt left the company. A little fact the producers didn't portray with any degree of honesty. But then are you really surprised to hear that?


Gone But Not Forgotten
Gime a break, Of course they will jump on it. You act like it was a secret that somehow got out maybe? Did you think the left didn't know?

You sound so sure of yourself. The video may or may not be true or partially true. My opinion is if Romney is the Republican choice Obama is back in for another 4 years.


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
Gime a break, Of course they will jump on it. You act like it was a secret that somehow got out maybe? Did you think the left didn't know?


Geez, if Romney isn't ready to defend Bain Capital he is naive as a newborn. Don't you get it, Capitalism verses Socialism, that is the essential debate of our next election.:whistling:

I would suggest Mitt had better be prepared for the conversation.
Or did I miss something here?

BTW, Most of the people in that film lost their jobs long after Mitt left the company. A little fact the producers didn't portray with any degree of honesty. But then are you really surprised to hear that?

Fixed it for ya.

Works both ways, Murph.
Yup you smart -------- truly amaze me sometimes, no offence but its folks like you that have things so figured out you cant see the forest for the beach. A vote for Romney is just as bad as having Obama, but then again some folks biggest fears are falling off their billfold. :whistling:
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Gone Flyin'
I believe I called it several months ago, already. The fix was in long, long ago.

The fact that Paul would run independent (thus splitting the anti-Obama vote) proves he is not someone I would trust as far as I could throw him. Romney is not everything to all on the right, certainly not to me, but he is better than Obama. Paul should be able to see this, as well as see he can not win either the nomination or a presidential election. (I put Gingrich in the same sinking boat)

(I'll be happy to eat those words if he wins in Carolina and Florida.)

300 H and H

Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
Well many respectfully diagree...

Ron Paul is in this race to the end. He has the people on the ground and the money to do it. His base is broading every day. He will soon be the only one standing with Romney at convention. Then, I guess we will see. To say he should droop out is not going to happen. He has not said that I am aware of that he is considering a third party run. He may not have to consider it at all. Time will tell. But I am far from counting him out just yet. Romney will have his hands full....

Regards, Kirk


Proudly Deplorable
GOLD Site Supporter
You sound so sure of yourself. The video may or may not be true or partially true. My opinion is if Romney is the Republican choice Obama is back in for another 4 years.

That's a rather mean thing to say. I'm hardly sure of myself.

But the video has been out for a while and already debunked. And any Republican that supports it is simply soiling his drawers. For it indicts the system Conservatives worship. Free enterprise.

What Karl Marx renamed as "Capitalism."

Of this I am sure, Newt, who could have pulled it off, will now not have the wind at his back were he to be the nominee. And he has only himself to blame.

No less than Thomas Sewell,for whom I have great respect, has said, "There are no guarantees, no matter whom the Rrepublicans vote for in the Primaries." He believes Newt has "the best track record and should be that man." Based on this little propagandish movie I must repectfully disagree.

This is hard for me. I was a rabid Newt supporter. My wife works on one of his committees and has met with him. It is not an easy choice.

So, Sure of myself?, No. But damm sure anyone who faults what is essentialy a cornerstone of conservatism, ie; Free Market principles, all for political gain, is suspect.

You still haven't explained how this film Newt's endorsing PAC published says anything for which Romney wouldn't be prepared. I say Mitt should simply defend capitalism and let people judge his record in his participation of it. I say he ought to be quite prepared to do that or he isn't ready for the big leagues.

This is not his Achilles heel. It is, in point of fact, his strength.

Today I heard a lefty compare Mitt to Bernie Madolf, saying that this was the bad side of capitalism. Implying that somehow making a losing operation profitable was akin to stealing from investors by deceit. A strawman argument. Thievery is not a capitalistic method and has nothing in common with free enterprise. But the left would sure like voters to believe it does. They keep insisting on the making that false indictment. Just as they insist that an investor or entreprenuer's focus should be the creation of employment.

Thanks to Newt's apparent vengeful madness, I believe Governor Romney now has a wonderful opportunity to explain the difference. I hope he does. Before he has to argue the point with Obama in front of a debate moderator like George Stephanopolis or Wolf Blitzer.

Romney will then have the wind at his back going into those debates. Assuming the President has the naughty bits to meet him on that field.

And two years form now, Chris Mathews and Rachel Maddow will be found explaining how the Gingrich movie was actually a sly trick to get that very argument before the American voter and fool them into voting for the GOP. :brows:


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
I believe I called it several months ago, already. The fix was in long, long ago.

The fact that Paul would run independent (thus splitting the anti-Obama vote) proves he is not someone I would trust as far as I could throw him. Romney is not everything to all on the right, certainly not to me, but he is better than Obama. Paul should be able to see this, as well as see he can not win either the nomination or a presidential election. (I put Gingrich in the same sinking boat)

(I'll be happy to eat those words if he wins in Carolina and Florida.)
Where do you keep coming up with the "fact" that Paul will run as a third party candidate?

How many times does he have to say , No I am not even considering it because I dont WANT to, period, yet he keeps getting drilled by the dumbass media to make folks think thats what he is going to do. That is a ploy by them to discredit him to any republican voter base that might be thinking about voting for him. They have nothing else to attack him with, they tried the 20 year old papers to prove he was a rascist and that backfired because he wasn't even the author of them.

They continue to act like he is not even in the running because neither party in politics WANT him to win, that has nothing to do with the voter base including Democrats and independents that beleive in him. This short vid I posted in another thread says it all. But bottom line is even the fact that Romney has won Iowa and HH are bogus as well due to voter fraud but I guess you cant see that either.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cILGviTOTI&feature=player_embedded"]Jon Stewart on MSNBC on New Hampshire Ron Paul 2nd - YouTube[/ame]


New member
Romney is just another corporate scumbag. Is everyone aware he was a recipient of a Ten Million Dollar Bailout !!!!

“The way the company was rescued was with a federal bailout of $10 million,” the ad says. “The rest of us had to absorb the loss … Romney? He and others made $4 million in this deal. … Mitt Romney: Maybe he’s just against government when it helps working men and women.”
The facts of the Bain & Co. turnaround are a little more complicated, but a Boston Globe report from 1994 confirms that Bain saw several million dollars in loans forgiven by the FDIC, which had taken over Bain’s failed creditor, the Bank of New England.

Romney aides pushed back strongly on the Democratic charge that Bain & Co. received anything like a TARP-style “bailout.” While the FDIC is a government agency, it is funded by deposit insurance payments rather than taxes. The agency agreed to reduce Bain & Co.’s liability to the Bank of New England, but didn’t pump new funds into the flagging firm. Other Bain creditors also took a haircut in order to avert the company’s collapse.


FYI, real conservatives file for bankruptcy, or seek investors, the fed is not the way!


Gone But Not Forgotten
I believe I called it several months ago, already. The fix was in long, long ago.

The fact that Paul would run independent (thus splitting the anti-Obama vote) proves he is not someone I would trust as far as I could throw him. Romney is not everything to all on the right, certainly not to me, but he is better than Obama. Paul should be able to see this, as well as see he can not win either the nomination or a presidential election. (I put Gingrich in the same sinking boat)

(I'll be happy to eat those words if he wins in Carolina and Florida.)

Ok I am stealing information here from a friend but but but I am sure it will be ok. I just don't think Ron Paul should be taken so lightly.

South Carolina


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
Ok I am stealing information here from a friend but but but I am sure it will be ok. I just don't think Ron Paul should be taken so lightly.

South Carolina
Exactly but most just beleive the hype that the major media continue to spout, which is pure BS. Main stream media will anoint the next big government republicans as our "choice" because they will tell us he is the only one that is "electable". Do people realize that 1144 delegates are needed to win the Republican nomination? Romney has 14 pledged delegates. Ron Paul has 10 and Santorum has 7 despite the fact that Romney has won two states and everyone is telling us it is over, it aint even began yet. :doh:


New member
GOLD Site Supporter
Iowa's delegates are technically un pledged as they are free to vote as they wish at the convention.


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
Iowa's delegates are technically un pledged as they are free to vote as they wish at the convention.
True but that also brings down the others total as well. My point is its a long time to go and far from over like most like to claim. :wink:

300 H and H

Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
That's exactly right Joe. I go to county convention on March 10th. The state convention isn't till May or June, I think.

Like Cowboy says it's far from over yet. RP has active BODIES in all the states willing to work for free for his cause. Mitt only has money and the media. We'll see who wins, especially if the press really blunders, and it become obvious that something is going on and the fix is in. Then see how many more people will get on RP's side of the fence. If they keep ignoring and rebuffing RP, it may in the end, actually help his cause. The only thing that can flip flop faster than Mitt is probably the press. They have ratings to worry about. And credibility or lack of it would cost them, wouldn't it?

Regards, Kirk
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New member
GOLD Site Supporter
In all honesty even Fox cut away from Paul during his speech after New Hampshire if you didn't notice. My choice was Huntsman who hasn't gotten much press at all other than to say he doesn't have a chance. This whole run looks like an episode of Housewives to me as I've yet to hear anything from any of them on what they will really do other than Paul. Now I agree with a lot of what Paul says however other things turn me flat off. All the rest to me are a bad joke really, in they stand for nothing really with no new ideas just want to take us back to the 80's in what they say. Folks the good old days aren't all they are cracked up to be if you looked at them honestly.

300 H and H

Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
OK Joe,

So turns you flat off anyway? Is it real or just the media that has you so sure? I respect your opinions, by the way...

I still have two women down in the house and am spending way to much time at the key board, and to much coffee....

Regards, Kirk


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
In all honesty even Fox cut away from Paul during his speech after New Hampshire if you didn't notice. My choice was Huntsman who hasn't gotten much press at all other than to say he doesn't have a chance. This whole run looks like an episode of Housewives to me as I've yet to hear anything from any of them on what they will really do other than Paul. Now I agree with a lot of what Paul says however other things turn me flat off. All the rest to me are a bad joke really, in they stand for nothing really with no new ideas just want to take us back to the 80's in what they say. Folks the good old days aren't all they are cracked up to be if you looked at them honestly.
Hell Joe Fox has been as bad or worse then any of them from the get go from what I have seen, only recently they seem to be acknowleging that he is not to be ignored. When it comes to the major Media there are none that could be called unbiased IMHO.:doh:

Thats why I look for other sources, and even then you have to sort through their own agenda for the truth, beleive it or not sometimes you can actually find it if you look hard enough. :smile: