I was poking around on the 'net, looking for various sources that describe the national budget, when I came across an official US Government
page about the budget, in a web site run by the US
Government Printing Office (GPO). They offer the complete texts of US budgets in detail. One of the things they offered was a
citizen's guide to the budget. I looked at those, and noticed that the last one prepared was for 2002, the first full year of the Bush budgetary process. No citizen's guides were prepared for 2003, 04, 05 or 06. I was curious to see what a citizen's guide looked like, so I opened the
one for Bush in 2002.
Wow! What the heck happened? Reading through this guide, produced by the federal government in obvious cooperation with the Bush White House, we learn that there really WAS a budget surplus, that it started in 1998 under Clinon, and that Bush was committed to continuing the surplus! It even included a section explaining how government debt and the attendant interest on the debt was a bad thing! How things have changed.
Of course, like the Bush administration, one can argue that it was the 9/11 attack that changed everything. But, that alone cannot account for the total amount of debt we have incurred. What has actually happened is one of the greatest flip-flops in our nation's history, and it's no wonder the administration has not produced any more citizen's guides to the budget!
I'll get back to my research about what makes up a federal budget some other time; at the moment I'm just blown away by what I read in the last citizen's guide ever produced.