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Wet ,Wet Wet


Gone But Not Forgotten
Too much rain !!! Last year I bought my neighbors haying equipment to hay the local fields and ranches at the Idaho house . I have a couple young bucks to do the work but it won't stop raining . By the time it dries out ,I can see a situation where we are going to have a late haying season and end up getting caught by afternoon thunder storms if it does not stop soon . I just don't ever remember winter lasting this long .

We have 4 Ski resorts that are opening back up for the weekend because we have so much snow on Donner summit ,here in Calif !!!! Thats crazy ! Its suppose to be the start of boating season around here .
If it's any consolation to you Al. We've been having it rough up here weatherwise. This year is the first year where I've seen boats out fishing in April before the walleye season closed for a month for the fish to spawn. Normally, the lakes open up about the middle of may around these parts. This year, they were open the first week of april. My tan is coming along nicely. Only had 2-3 days of rain in the past month.(though we need it) We're having July-type weather right now.

Feel free to send some of that rain and snow this way. The fire hazard is starting to peak and if we don't get some rain soon, our whole area will be one big a ball of flames when the forests light up.
Al.. with that post title - I was expecting something different:yum: Just never mind:hammer:
But it sure seems as the weather is goofy everywhere. Here in Wisconsin - we broke a high temp record at 10 am last week. 95 degrees. And it is so dry the dandelions are dieing.
I don't miss haying.All the equiptment has been stored in my barn for 3 yrs now. local dairy rents it for his heifers.
finealy warmed up north here got water running over the top of the ice on the rivers. you can see in another post i put up in snow cats.had some nice high temps in the evening around 60 but up til now it's been winter we are going to take a ride down cripple river this weekend in the snow trac because there is still lots of snow everywhere you go.