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We are the 1 percent


New member

sounds like someone infavor of reparations wrote it.

the only one I vaguely believe is the woman who pays 12% in taxes- and her money would be better used if she found a great charity than in "tax" I think she gets it.

I really do have to say I'm getting sick of the word fair.


The Old Salt
SUPER Site Supporter
I don't understand why the wealthy that think this way just don't shut the F up and just write a big fat check to the government with a little note stating they want to give more. Why make a big deal about it. Just write the check and shut up. :biggrin:

Of course they are so stupid not to realize that the money would be better used if given to good charitable outfit like the Red Cross or Salvation Army.

I'm done now. :doh:


New member
Remember the hippie communes in the '60s? Everyone worked and all the money went into the community pot. All shared equally in the bounty. Everything was wonderful.

But they all failed. Disbanded. Broke, destitute and venomous enemies.

Socialism at its core, contrary to man's competitive DNA.
