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We Are Already In WW-3


From Neal Boortz:

I don't know if you've noticed, but the Israeli army is having a rather tough time with Hezbollah. In story after story you read that the Israeli army doesn't seem to be the awesome, feared fighting machine it once was, and that Hezbollah is showing no fear of the Israelis and putting up a stalwart fight. Some reports I've read even say that Hezbollah is winning this confrontation - this war - and that it will soon be the Israelis who are looking for a cease fire; a cease fire they can use to regroup and consider their options.
Israel, at the urging of the world community, sowed the seeds for this current situation when they withdrew from Southern Lebanon years ago. The Israelis responded to world opinion (usually a mistake) by pulling back without any agreement from either the terrorists in Hezbollah or in Lebanon. The idea behind the pullback was that maybe, just maybe, Hezbollah and Lebanon would be content to honor the international border between the two countries and leave Israel in peace.
Fat chance.,
Instead, Hezbollah remained loyal to the Islamic dream of a Middle East with no Israel. They used the time to build its fortifications in Southern Lebanon, moving the bulk of them underground. They used this time to build their military capability and to stash rockets and arms -- most of which were supplied by Iran with no small amount of help from Syria.
When Iran and Hezbollah felt that the military buildup and the entrenchment was sufficient, they launched their provocations against Israel, knowing that Israel would respond.
Muslims around the world are cheering Hezbollah on. Not only Muslims, but a goodly number of anti-Semitics in this country who suffer from that strange form of dementia that causes one to blame every evil in their personal life and in the world on "those Jews."
I hope the rest of us are paying attention here, and I fear we are not. This is much more than a battle between Israel and Hezbollah. This is one front, one battle in World War III, the war between the West and radical Islam.
Israel tried to do the right thing. They withdrew. They sought peace. They asked nothing more to be left alone. The Islamists in Hezbollah and their supporters and enablers in Lebanon, Syria and Iran saw this as a sign of weakness. Israel is tired. Israel doesn't want to fight any more. Israel is weak. Israel can be defeated.
These Islamic murderers see the same weakness in the United States. Oh, to be sure, for a while they feared George Bush. In George Bush they saw an American leader who understood their intentions and who was bent on their destruction. Soon after Bush showed his resolve by invading Afghanistan you saw Muslim leaders starting to backtrack. They were starting to retreat back into their holes ... until, that is, the American left stepped forward.
For American liberals, for the Nancy Pelosis, Ted Kennedys and Howard Deans of this world, the hatred of George Bush and the bitterness of the 2000 election just couldn't be overcome. It mattered not that the president understood the danger presented by Islam, and was prepared to fight. It only mattered that George Bush defeated their Damien, their precious Al Gore, and that Democratic honor had to be assuaged. Bush had to be demonized.
As the Democrats intensified their attacks on George Bush over the war in Iraq, the Muslims started to see the weakness they were looking for. Another Western weakness ripe for exploitation.
Right now Israel is paying the price for appeasement. Some in Israel thought that there might be a better way .. .a way to live in peace with radical Islam. They now know better.
Do we?
Now ... before you move on, read this Ann Coulter column. Once you have you'll realize that we are, indeed, in a world war against radical Islam. It's time for some folks to decide which side they want to support.
Do you think that the moderate Islamists will finally wake up?

Or do you think that this may be the start of the division between the radical Islamists and the moderate Islamists?
No, Bob, I honestly do not believe the so-called moderate Islamists will wake up because I think they passively support what the radical Islamists are doing. The reason I believe this is because of the evedence presented by the Muslim community every day. Islam is an intolerant religion. This was demonstrated by their violent mass demonstrations in Europe against the political cartoons depicting Muhammed. Had Christians responded in this manner because Jesus was depicted in a political cartoon, there would be world wide outrage expressed in the media, yet the world media tends to excuse and even coddle extreme Muslim behavior. Like Boortz said, we and the world community had better wake up before it gets worse and the losses become catostrophic as the radical Islamists are emboldened by this medial and political coddling.
From the CBC today. "At least 423 people in Lebanon and 51 people in Israel have been killed since July 12, when Hezbollah guerrillas captured two Israeli soldiers in a cross-border raid."

The current Israeli losses are from door-to-door combat. Anyone who chooses to engage in that kind of warfare should expect losses. To say they are weak or losing the war seems sensational.
What I don't understand is... How long is it going to take for so called allied nations to start believing the threats by Al-Qaida and Hezbollah. Russia, Spain, France.......... all have been hit by terrorist but still seem reluctant to join the cause. My simple mind fails to comprehend..........

and the U.N, give me a f**king break, it's loaded with crooks and accomplishes nothing (look at Lebanon), now the UN wants to tax the American people. Tear the f**kin thing down!!!!!!!
The Israelis need to stop worrying about civilian casualties and just bomb the hell out of Lebanon and destroy it totally. Only when a country is destroyed and the peoples will to fight is broken, does a war end. That is what happened in the Second World War with Germany and Japan. The Second World War was more of a continuation of the First World War because that war never resolved the basic underlying problems. Only when Germany was totally defeated did the people realize that the goal to control that part of the world would never happen. I am beginning to believe that at some point, another country is going to intervene and go after Israel. At that time, there will be a tactical nuclear bomb dropped by Israel on that country. What will happen then, is anyones guess.
Junkman said:
The Israelis need to stop worrying about civilian casualties and just bomb the hell out of Lebanon and destroy it totally. Only when a country is destroyed and the peoples will to fight is broken, does a war end. That is what happened in the Second World War with Germany and Japan. The Second World War was more of a continuation of the First World War because that war never resolved the basic underlying problems. Only when Germany was totally defeated did the people realize that the goal to control that part of the world would never happen. I am beginning to believe that at some point, another country is going to intervene and go after Israel. At that time, there will be a tactical nuclear bomb dropped by Israel on that country. What will happen then, is anyones guess.

Totaly agree with that.. Isnt that also the same answer to our delima in Iraq? Whether you agree with why we are there or not, the only way to end it is to end it..
Junkman.. I am afraid you are right..

"He lost his entire family: two daughters, his wife and his mother-in-law.
He was confused. He kept asking us, “Who is responsible for this? Who is to blame for all of this? Who am I supposed to complain to? Is it Hezbollah? Is it Israel? Is it America? Is it Condoleezza Rice? Is it Bush? My family is dead, what now? Who do I go and talk to?” That was what he kept repeating over and over. Asking what now? What am I supposed to do? He didn’t cry, he was just bewildered"
Somewhere between the Korean war and now, politicians have changed and now believe that wars should only effect the soldier in uniform. Unfortunately, wars are not won by killing off all the soldiers. You have to take the will to fight from the politicians that send the soldiers out to battle. I find it interesting that so many of our politicians of today are the very same people that opposed war when they were of the age of the fighting man today. During the Second World War, every red blooded American got involved in the effort to fight. Actors, politicians, teachers, everyone from every walk of life. Today, it is only the very young citizens of our country that see any "glory" in joining up, and even then, I am not certain that they really understand what the commitment is that they have just taken on. I am not particularly fond of our being involved in some of the conflicts that we have engaged in, however, once the decision is made, then the decision to win must also be made. You can't win a war with rules that are only adhered to by one side. If they pull out all the stops to kill our troops, then we should do the same. Some say that it is hard to fight a war, when the other side doesn't wear a uniform. I say that if they can't be identified easily, then they are all the enemy. Shoot first and ask questions last. It wouldn't take very long before those that didn't want to be killed moved out of harms way, and those that want to fight will move in to the front. Once that you can identify the enemy, then you can neutralize them. Until then, everyone is the enemy. When they crashed the Twin Towers, they didn't care about civilians vs. soldiers...... they wanted to kill all men, women, and children that they could as quickly as they could. There should be no safe haven for the soldiers of the enemy. If they go into a Mosque, then the building is no longer a place of G-d, but a sanctuary for evil and it should be bombed. After a few Mosques are bombed, they will not retreat into them thinking that it is a safe haven.. Junk..