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Video - South Carolina State Senator Tom Davis Endorses Ron Paul


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
I guess this isn't worth reporting since none of the major media is covering it. :doh:

Tom Davis is a well-known fiscal conservative who served as the Chief of Staff to former SC Governor Mark Sanford and is currently a South Carolina State Senator who is popular among Tea Party Republican in the Palmetto State.

His endorsement was much sought after by all the GOP hopefuls and in fact Rick Santorum, told The Hilton Head Island Packet, "To get an endorsement from someone like Tom Davis is a big deal. It would speak volumes to folks and make them take notice and give us a look."

In giving his endorsement to Ron Paul, Sen Davis stated,

Ron Paul’s record matches his rhetoric, his fiscal plan matches the fiscal challenges that our nation is facing and his movement represents the taxpayers whose interests have been ignored in the political process for far too long.

I’m also endorsing him because unlike what the pundits have led you to believe, he is the candidate who gives the Republican Party the best chance to beat Barack Obama in November.
Just how big is Tom Davis' endorsement? The Paul campaign calls it "game-changing" and there is also speculation that other fiscal conservative within the SC General Assembly will follow the lead of Sen Davis.

With Dr Paul moving up in SC polls, a recent American Research Group poll has him in 3rd at 20% behind Romney (29%) and Gingrich (25%), this endorsement could quite well propel him into 2nd and essentially turn the GOP nomination battle into a two man race in short order.

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300 H and H

Bronze Member
GOLD Site Supporter
I Sure hope so Cowboy.....

A third palce finish would not be a good thing at all. The media is wanting to wrap this thing up. On thepolitiacl shows yesterday they hardly mentioned any other name than Romney, and I think this is no accident. We are in effect being led by the press to a Romney victory, damn the poles, we'll fix them too.....

Ron Paul needs to make a dent in the GOP armour at every vote. I hope he makes some damn big ones.

Regards, Kirk


Gone But Not Forgotten
A good article. Huffington Post No reason to bash the source or the author. Discuss the article as is and leave the Huffinton Post and author out of it.

1. Dr. Paul is the only person in the 2012 race for president who wants to serve the country. All the other candidates like the idea of the power, status, glory and success. Dr. Paul has humility and a humble approach that no other candidate has.

I like the above #1 reason the best and is probably the best truth we will ever hear out of any media or candidate including the one in the White House Right now.


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
A good article. Huffington Post No reason to bash the source or the author. Discuss the article as is and leave the Huffinton Post and author out of it.

I like the above #1 reason the best and is probably the best truth we will ever hear out of any media or candidate including the one in the White House Right now.
Yup, I agree. Kind of like these general election poll results from RPC, not to bad if you ask me for someone thats considered "unelectable" :whistling:

General Election: Paul vs. Obama
