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V-4 Ford Alternator upgrade Thiokol Imp

Idaho IMP

Super Patron
Just did a 2g to 3g alternator on my 1990 F-350 7.5l. My imp runs an old school 1G series Ford with external regulation. I’ve noticed with both heaters running and headlights on, voltage drops quite a bit and eventually I think it would cease to keep up with amperage draw. I’m strongly considering the same 3g 130A conversion to my imp as the 3g has a similar sized case that should fit without modifying the doghouse or alternator shroud, and it eliminates a bunch of existing wiring. I would like to eventually have a removable winch on my setup.
Has anyone out in Imp or ford v-4 land converted to a one wire or 3g alternator and if so, do the V-4’s have enough ooomph to power them at idle rpm’s??
I don't have any heavy electrical loads on my Imp -- just the heater blower and stock headlights -- but I switched to a single-wire alternator about seven years ago. I've forgotten many of the details of the conversion, but it wasn't a big project. I've not seen any issues since w/ the engine not being able to handle the load at idle and it feels like the new alternator is doing a better job of maintaining voltage at low RPMs. I've not seen any down-sides to this conversion -- "just do it".

I don't have any heavy electrical loads on my Imp -- just the heater blower and stock headlights -- but I switched to a single-wire alternator about seven years ago. I've forgotten many of the details of the conversion, but it wasn't a big project. I've not seen any issues since w/ the engine not being able to handle the load at idle and it feels like the new alternator is doing a better job of maintaining voltage at low RPMs. I've not seen any down-sides to this conversion -- "just do it".

Thank you Ron, that’s the answer I was hoping for! I’m gonna go for it, just need to order an alternator…
Thanks for sharing. Will save this info in my ever expanding Imp files should the day ever come.