You have a right to your opinion and I have a right to mine, You do not set price and I do not have to sell at what you think, This unit does not have to be sold.
Thank You
There is fact and fiction. As in the auto industry, there is blue-book value. There is no standard in classic snowcats there is only emprical data.
That data shows that you are asking an insane sume of cash. Sure, it doesn't need to be sold, but it also shows that you pay no mind to doing research to set a fair price and act fairly.
It's like there are limits and facts.
The year/style of cat you have there sells for between $2,000 and $8,000, MAXIMUM. $8,000 is the ridiculous price set by the high-priced commercial provider out there. That is with a guarantee, etc...
You are asking $20,000.
Would you like to see what $20,000 gets you today in used snowcat territory? See below... look at it and then tell me your opinion is worth a grain of salt.
You're doesn't need to sell...and it won't. Not for $20K.
If you were here to learn/participate then great...but I'm so harsh on this because you're here to make a quick buck. My next post will show data that will alert others to the value...although, the folks on this forum are well aware anyway, but in case someone stumbles across your add... wouldn't want them to shell out $15K more than they need to. No, I'm not interested in buying the unit, it's for others that I'm expressing concern. I have enough already.