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US sells illegal arms to brutal regimes


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
Two different, but related articles I found a bit scary as well as interesting. Videos at both links below the articles in case they dont show in this post. :unsure:

The US military is developing new genome viral agents to be used in biological warfare, and selling them to repressive regimes, a Middle East analyst tells Press TV.

“It is a touchstone of the Pentagon - they weaponize not merely chemical and nerve gas types of weapons but they have also been weaponizing genomes viral agents in level 4 and level 5 laboratories in the US,” Ralph Schoenman, an author and political analyst in Berkeley, CA, said in a recent interview with Press TV.

Schoenman further stated that the US has not only amassed a huge stockpile of biological and chemical weapons but that “they are selling to regimes…they deploy this sort of weaponry against countries they seek to destabilize.”

“The US has been supplying the Egyptian regime [with] dangerous levels of CR gas; it has been used throughout two days of protests, and the canisters are marked 'made in the USA',” Schoenman said.

At least 40 Egyptians have died in recent weeks of what medical sources in Egypt call poisonous tear gas.

Experts say that the use of such lethal chemical weapons is a gross violation of the Geneva Convention.

The US has announced that it will not be able to destroy its stockpile of chemical weapons before a final deadline required by the CWC in 2012, saying it needs at least another decade to destroy its chemical weapons.

“Any language intending to destroy the vast array of chemical weapons that the US maintains is of course simply propaganda,” Schoenman concluded.

The US is the first country in the world to develop nuclear weapons and the only one to use them.

Thousands of people were killed in August 1945, when the US bombers dropped atomic bombs on Japan's Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

According to the CWC's directive, any country found to be in non-compliance will have to be referred to the United Nations Security Council.

As one of the main victims of the chemical weapons, Iran has repeatedly asked Washington to abide by the international law, calling for the removal of its stockpiles of the arms.


'US develops new chemical arms'

The US has been circumventing the international laws on elimination of chemical weapons, by developing new generations of the lethal armaments, a political analyst tells Press TV.

“The major problem we have with the US is that other variations of chemicals weapons are being experimented on,” Nader Mokhtari said on Friday.

“As a matter of fact the arsenal is expanding. Although the size of the arsenal is reducing, deadlier weapons are being manufactured and being experimented on,” he added.

Mokhtari made reference to 31,000 tons of chemical weapons owned by the US, saying, “The US has destroyed 81 percent of this arsenal; I don't see why the US should want to hang on to the rest.”

The analyst argued that while some countries such as Russia lack the required funds to destroy their chemical arsenal completely, the Washington does not have financial restriction in this regard, and it only takes 20 billion to 40 billion dollars to scrap what is left of the US arsenal.

On Tuesday, the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) and China issued a statement on the first day of the 16th International Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) confab in the Hague calling on the US and Russia to destroy their chemical weapons arsenals.

The OPCW administers the Chemical Weapons Convention, which prohibits the development, production, stockpiling, and use of chemical weapons.

The convention initially required signatory states to destroy all stockpiles of such weapons by April 29, 2007. The United States has asked for the deadline to be extended by an entire decade.

During the 16th conference, the US rejected calls to abandon its chemical weapons by the April 2012 deadline and also refused to accept a timeline for the referral of the case to the UN Security Council.

According to the CWC's directive, any country found to be in non-compliance will have to be referred to the United Nations Security Council.




New member
GOLD Site Supporter
Yes this is what the UN Treaty that circulated the last couple of years was trying to stop. That would be the same treaty that many had the NRA and many US gun owners all upset.

The US isn't alone in doing this as a number of other counties also do it, that is sells weapons such as this as well as small arms. I believe the US is the largest but could be wrong about that as China, Russia and European Nations also do a lot in Arms Trade to other governments with similar weapon types.