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US "pauses" Natural Gas Exports


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
Let me understand something.

Europe is basically at war with the Russia/Ukraine invasion. Europe minimized buying Natural Gas from Russia as part of the economic sanctions against Russia. European NG prices spiked, the US jumped in and started shipping LNG to Europe to help our allies. We did this because there were fears that people in parts of Europe would literally freeze in the winter.

Now we are "pausing" our exports, which mostly go to Europe.

So N.G. prices, which ARE AFFORDABLE in the US will probably DROP because the government kills the demand by "pausing" exports.

Perhaps this is a ploy to buy votes with cheap N.G. prices before the November 2024 election?

Biden administration announces pause on approvals of natural gas exports

Natural gas industry groups warn the pause will disrupt needed supplies to America’s allies and will undermine climate goals, as natural gas is often used as an alternative to coal, which produces more carbon dioxide emissions.

The White House on Friday announced a temporary pause on pending decisions of exports of liquefied natural gas to non-free trade countries, until the the Energy Department can factor climate change into its reviews of the projects.
"As our exports increase, we must review export applications using the most comprehensive up-to-date analysis of the economic, environmental and national security considerations," Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm told reporters on a press call.
Natural gas industry groups warn the pause will disrupt needed supplies to U.S. alliesand will undermine climate goals, because natural gas is often used as an alternative to coal, which produces more carbon dioxide emissions.
“As we near the second anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, our allies around the world are relying on the benefits of clean, reliable, and affordable American LNG and are keenly aware of the risks of relying on our adversaries for energy,” Anne Bradbury, CEO of the American Exploration & Production Council, a natural gas trade association group, told Just The News.


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
And now the analysts are starting to look at the ramifications of stopping shipments of LNG.

FULL STORY AT The Washington Examiner LINK ABOVE ^^^

Biden’s energy gift to Russian aggression

January 27, 2024 12:00 am
Is President Joe Biden a Russian agent? Probably not, but you could be forgiven for thinking so given some of his policies.
Contradicting his rhetoric on the need to support allies and domestic economic growth, Biden has set his regulatory sights on America’s liquefied natural gas industry. His strategy appears two-pronged.
First, he is adding more red tape to the approval process for new LNG export terminals. While existing regulations are already laborious, Biden’s changes will make them not just tortuous but torturous. LNG terminals are of crucial importance in getting LNG exported to foreign customers in Europe and Asia. Biden is directing the Department of Energy to consider climate impacts in deciding whether to grant approval for a new terminal planned for Louisiana’s Gulf Coast. The directive would almost certainly also apply to 16 other proposed LNG terminals elsewhere in the nation.
Second, Biden announced Friday an all-out ban on new LNG export terminal licenses. This is dreadful policy.
The president is forcing European leaders to consider whether, even if a Republican is elected to the White House in November, the next Democratic president might restrict the terminals. He is introducing regulatory doubt, the pathogen most dangerous to high-value, long-term infrastructure and investment projects. That is intentional. Biden appears to have decided that climate variation is a bigger threat to national security than Russian aggression.
Were news media more balanced in their appraisal of Democrats and Republicans on foreign policy, we would hear outrage at Biden’s beneficent energy gift to Vladimir Putin. The Russian dictator is the only beneficiary of restrictions on American expansion of the LNG export market. Low prices for widely available LNG would undercut Russia’s energy blackmail strategy for Europe, with which he extracts political obedience in return for winter fuel supplies. In the aftermath of Putin’s February 2022 invasion of Ukraine, European Union nations moved to cut off his energy supplies in favor of ramped-up imports from the United States. But the EU has made only partial progress toward completely severing Putin’s energy leash.
What does Biden think will happen now that he’s returning Putin’s most hated American energy weapon to its scabbard?
Putin will move to return Russian energy influence over Europe. The ex-KGB man will recognize that faced with the choice between higher costs and cheap Russian gas, many European governments will choose the latter. Energy prices in Europe are already significantly higher than in the U.S. With populist movements rising across Europe, continental politicians will have a tough time demanding their citizens pick up the tab of Biden’s betrayal.
Biden’s actions are a stark abandonment of his inaugural pledge to “repair our alliances and engage with the world once again, not to meet yesterday’s challenges but today’s and tomorrow’s. … We will be a strong and trusted partner for peace, progress, and security.” This is a trust broken. At a minimum, Biden will cause significant LNG project delays while jeopardizing financing and investor confidence.
This is no hypothetical matter. The U.S. provided nearly half of European LNG imports in 2023. The EU wants this to continue. . . .


Proudly Deplorable
GOLD Site Supporter
Europeans are looking at the USA, Biden, and going WTF!

Let me be clear, we will not go carbon neutral by outlawing current sources, and uses, of energy.

Aside from that reality, there is this one.
Real science does not support carbon neutral as a solution for Climate change.

Common gases in our atmosphere
Nitrogen= 78%
Oxygen = 21%
Argon = 1%
CO2 = 0.04%

Most of the carbon on our planet's surface is locked up in living things. A more significant percentage is locked up in geology.
Last edited:


Jerk in a Hawaiian Shirt & SNOWCAT Moderator
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
Criticism of the LNG export "pause" is pouring in from all sides.

Our European allies oppose it because they depend on our LNG to heat homes, generate electricity and generally not see their energy prices skyrocket.

While our domestic prices might drop a bit on Natural Gas the reality it is could destroy our NG industry and clearly will cause our LNG export ports to crumble due to lack of sales.

Now the Washington Post, one of the old guard liberal leaning newspapers has had their editorial board jump into the fray, and they came out punching against the LNG export pause.

Here is a summary from JUST THE NEWS:

WaPo editorial board: Biden LNG export pause will cause economic turmoil, do little for environment

Though it’s a fossil fuel, the Post editorial board said, it produces less pollution and carbon dioxide emissions than coal, and it will, according to the International Energy Agency projections, be crucial to the world’s energy mix well into the future.

The Washington Post's editorial board has joined in the criticism to President Joe Biden’s pause on liquified natural gas export permits.
The board on Monday called the pause “an election-year sop to climate activists” that will upset U.S. alliances more than it will save the planet.
The board also argued natural gas provides 22% of the global primary energyconsumption. Though it’s a fossil fuel, the board said, it produces less pollution and carbon dioxide emissions than coal, and it will, according to the International Energy Agency projections, be crucial to the world’s energy mix well into the future.
The energy supplies, the board also argued, are especially important to Europe, and without increased export capacity, which will be limited by the pause over the next 25 years, energy prices in Europe will see significant increases.
“You cannot change demand for energy by destroying supply: If the United States did indeed curtail LNG exports, it would just drive customers into the arms of competitors such as Australia, Qatar, Algeria and, yes, Russia,” the board said.

If you care to read the full editorial from the Washington Post, you can find it here:

Opinion Biden’s LNG decision is a win for political symbolism, not the climate​



Proudly Deplorable
GOLD Site Supporter
Just when you think Biden can't do any more stupid damage, he pulls another stunt out of his ass.

I would suggest there is more of the damaging crap coming.. The president knows he will lose in November. Biden has his mind set on damage to the USA. I don't honestly know why but, there is a rumor he has been well paid. He is running out of time.

I would suggest, this is not about Climate Change. This is about a new world order. Something a unified and competent, successful USA would impede.