Back On Track
We received upslope snow conditions today. This is what can happen when it snow 3 to 4 inches per hour for most of the day. My neighbor was trying to clear his road home with the Unimog. Since he did not check in with us by 5:00 pm today and I knew he was out snow blowing. We went out just before dark and found him and the Unimog stuck big time. Finally we went and got the 580 backhoe after tearing up the left front tire chain on the Unimog. It was still a struggle to get the Unimog out of the ditch. Visibility today in our neighborhood was zero at times with the wind blowing the snow right back at you when running the Unimog. If you stick the Unimog plan a lot of time and effort to unstick it. We did finally get it out after digging all around it and using the backhoe to finally help pull it out of the ditch.