Danang Sailor
nullius in verba
My CQC instructor always made sure one of the first things he taught was the concept of Disparity of Force, a simple to
understand legal principle that says a big, strong person tends to be more dangerous than a smaller, less strong person. An
example would be a 115 pound, 5'6" female being attacked by a 285 pound, 6'4" male, an obvious disparity of available force.
In these cases it is entirely reasonable for the smaller person to use a force multiplier, such as a firearm, in order to level the
This brings me to the problem of "Gentle Giant" Mike Brown and Officer Wilson in Ferguson. Our media cannot mention
this situation without describing Brown as "unarmed", without noting the relative sizes of the two, and thus the disparity of
force involved. (We'll overlook all the "shoot to wound" and "taser" speculation; we all recognize this for the BS it is.)
I've spoken of this in other places but not I find on FF, until now. And now, there is a perfect example of what an "unarmed"
person can do against an armed police officer. It's good to find an example, but I'm sorry at the same time.
So much for the media BS about "unarmed"; perhaps they should focus on the "giant" part of the description instead!
understand legal principle that says a big, strong person tends to be more dangerous than a smaller, less strong person. An
example would be a 115 pound, 5'6" female being attacked by a 285 pound, 6'4" male, an obvious disparity of available force.
In these cases it is entirely reasonable for the smaller person to use a force multiplier, such as a firearm, in order to level the
This brings me to the problem of "Gentle Giant" Mike Brown and Officer Wilson in Ferguson. Our media cannot mention
this situation without describing Brown as "unarmed", without noting the relative sizes of the two, and thus the disparity of
force involved. (We'll overlook all the "shoot to wound" and "taser" speculation; we all recognize this for the BS it is.)
I've spoken of this in other places but not I find on FF, until now. And now, there is a perfect example of what an "unarmed"
person can do against an armed police officer. It's good to find an example, but I'm sorry at the same time.
So much for the media BS about "unarmed"; perhaps they should focus on the "giant" part of the description instead!