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Uh oh.


Jeanclaude Spam Banhammer
SUPER Site Supporter
It seems Pakistan is a little miffed about the US cap and grab of UBL:

Pakistan's army on Thursday called for cuts in the number of U.S. military personnel inside the country to protest the American commando raid that killed Osama bin Laden, and threatened to cut cooperation with Washington if it stages more unilateral raids on its territory.


Let's see ... UBL's been living within a mile of a major Pakistani military installation for years. At best, this is an epic failure of their intelligence network. At worst, well, you get the picture.

I say, "Go pound salt, Pakistan."

But then who cares what I think, I'm not the POTUS. Given that Pakistan has nukes, I'm very interested in seeing how the current administration handles this tricky diplomatic minefield.


Bottoms Up
Staff member
GOLD Site Supporter
He'll give in to them I suppose.
I prefer he punish them for their failure to find UBL before us. We give them BILLIONS every year, that should be stopped. We sure could use the funds at home and hopefully put them to better use.


New member
pakistan can suckit!!

They knew where he was, they're simply playing both sides of the fence.

The want our military cut back ? Fine with me, Oh, BTW...screw you ! We're cutting all the aid we give you also, to the tune of about 2BILLION/year (thats military and economic aid)


Gone But Not Forgotten
GOLD Site Supporter
We want our helicopter back first. They will ransom it for more money by letting the Chinese bid for it also.


New member
GOLD Site Supporter
Yes and send Pakistan a bill for the billions we have already given them.


Well-known member
GOLD Site Supporter
I think that they're just huffing and puffing for public consumption. Given a few months it'll be back to business as usual. :hammer::hammer::hammer:


Diesel Truck Fan
GOLD Site Supporter
US president - How come you didn't give us OBL?

Pakistan president - Oh! you meant THAT OBL!!!! We thought you meant the other one.

Of course they knew where he was. The press even ran an article at the beginning of the Afgan action about how the tribes over there say they are helping us out of one side of their mouth and work against us our of the other side.


New member
Connect the dots Qaddafi gets bombed 4/30 same night as original Osama raid delayed 1 day by weather.

Pakistan had to know - it's a military town + don't forget about Osama's dialysis needs...