About a thousand years ago, when I actually worked for a living, we had to take two job related courses a year. One year I took a one week course called, "Communication". Basically, it was a course on negotiating techniques and how to handle and motivate employees. I know that it sounds pretty dry but it was actually interesting if you are a student of people and it is something that I've carried with me the rest of my life.
One of the things that you were taught was that when dealing with employees and contractors, "ALWAYS be friendly but never their friend".
The second thing was that it takes different things to motivate different people and you have to be able to analyse the personality of the person and deal with them accordingly. With some people all it takes to motivate them is a pat on the head and a "well done, good job" and they go back to work with a vengeance. With others it takes a little gentle ribbing, joking and general "man humor" to get them and keep them working. Some you have to reason with in order to get them to perform. A few, unfortunately, only respond to the drill sergeant technique. At other times it takes you taking off your coat, rolling up your sleeves and getting down in the mud and muck with them.
I took the same course a few years later and they had added another thing. That was "Never sacrifice yourself or your family/personal life for the Company". Of course, that only applied to higher management, otherwise it was "Get every last bead of sweat out of the peons.
It's not something that you learn overnight so don't get down on yourself because it doesn't come to you as an epiphany. It's something that you have to learn and that takes TIME. Angelface, the fact that you are worried about it, want to improve yourself and make it work makes me think that you'll be just fine. You'll be OK.

I took the same course a few years later and they had added one thing. That was, "Never sacrifice yourself or your family/personal life for the Company". Of course, that only applied to higher management otherwise it was a case of, "Squeeze every last drop of sweat out of the peons".