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Types of Government - Republic vs. Democracy vs. Oligarchy


Wait for it.
GOLD Site Supporter
Here is a perty good explanation about government history, not that most dont know it, I just think a lot of folks have forgotten about it. :wink:

If every American watched this before the next election, I think things might turn out surprisingly different then the way we are headed, sadly that wont likely happen. :doh:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhG4yJByfrE&feature=player_embedded"]Types of Government - Republic vs. Democracy vs. Oligarchy - YouTube[/ame]#!


New member
GOLD Site Supporter
Yes one of my favorites of all time and the best explanation of all forms of government.. To bad we haven't been able to keep our republic allowing it to be turned into an Oligarchy.


New member
More correctly, we have been governed by a plutocracy - or call it plutarchy - for decades, masked by the lobbyists. And now that corporations (personhood) have unlimited reach into campaign financing and political power, it will only become worse.

One-man, one-vote has become a thing of waxing nostalgia.


New member
GOLD Site Supporter
More correctly, we have been governed by a plutocracy - or call it plutarchy - for decades, masked by the lobbyists. And now that corporations (personhood) have unlimited reach into campaign financing and political power, it will only become worse.

One-man, one-vote has become a thing of waxing nostalgia.

You might find this surprising but I agree with you on this one.


Well-known member
SUPER Site Supporter
That was great !!!

I finally understand where the names 'Democrat' and Republican' come from !!


New member
GOLD Site Supporter
That was great !!!

I finally understand where the names 'Democrat' and Republican' come from !!

Here is a more accurate method of seeing where the parties actually came from. As the parties have not only changed name but purpose through the years as well as having other names. One of the first parties was the Democratic-Republican party with the other at the time the Federalists. So names can be a bit confusing as to what they stand for today.



New member
Here is a more accurate method of seeing where the parties actually came from. As the parties have not only changed name but purpose through the years as well as having other names. One of the first parties was the Democratic-Republican party with the other at the time the Federalists. So names can be a bit confusing as to what they stand for today.

The Fourth Party System, 1896 to 1932, retained the same primary parties as the Third Party System, but saw major shifts in the central issues of debate. This period also corresponded to the Progressive Era, and was dominated by the Republican Party.
Oh, the irony.


Well-known member
SUPER Site Supporter
Joe, I've read the wikipedia thing before. It uses circular language and only mentions certain hot button current items rather than exprsessing an overall, long term, "just where the heck are we going with this" strategy.


New member
GOLD Site Supporter
Joe, I've read the wikipedia thing before. It uses circular language and only mentions certain hot button current items rather than exprsessing an overall, long term, "just where the heck are we going with this" strategy.

That is the problem with labels and names meaning something, they often change in not only name but purpose. I wished personally we had no parties period as there really isn't a nickles worth of difference between either, they eat from the same bowl at feeding time.