my guess is that that would be in th ball park what youu have to remember when you are in the steep and deep that because of weight transfer your down hill tracks can get quite heavy taking you past your max angle quick i have seen manny bv 206's where this has happened you have to be much more carefull with those heavyer snow cats thats why they have plows on them to cut a level trail.Does anyone know what the maximum sidehill angle in degrees would be on a Tucker 2000 XL?
I was in Winter Survival/SnoCat training last week with Safety One and the question came up.
Cannot find it anywhere in the Tucker manual. someone suggested 24 degrees?
There are to many varables to put a maximum side hill angle on any snow cat as snow condition is a big part but also terrian and also angle of attack. the driver of machine has to know there limitations as well
Quote: also the lockers.. I do not use them when on a side hill as (for me) it seams to break the tracks free faster.
Is this true also while crabbing with the lockers engaged??