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Tucker pontoons on pavement?


New member
Hi all. I mis-timed getting my sno-cat moved and now need to drive it a couple of miles to get it to pavement. Most of that will be on pavement. Is that going to mess up my pontoons? I will obviously go slow (no choice, right? ha ha) and take turns easy and while moving. I can haul my trailer up to move it the 2 miles but man, what a pain that would be! Thanks all!
I have to agree with the above statement. Pavement might be better than say rocks.
You have to remember the bottom of the pontoon is stationary. Anything the tracks encounter has to be short enough not to contact the bottom surface of the pontoon. Other wise it will dent or cut a slot in the bottom.
2 miles is a long ways to go. and a lot of time for things to go wrong at 2 miles per hour...
Many have made a parade route on pavement which will add wear to grousers who knows how much. I would rather slow trailer 2 miles than gravel the cat.

If too rough for a trailer way to rough for a pontoon cat.
They dont build new grouser parts and used ones are not very plentiful. I would not run it on pavement if it was mine and especially if you can trailer it. Pain in the but will be sourcing grousers later. Just my opinion.
A lot of the wear pads are worn all the way down on my 604, most likely from driving on pavement and will have to be replaced. I don't know how your grousers are constructed but 2 miles is a long way. I've been trying to figure out how to get my 604 from the machine shed across the concrete then 200 feet inside my building to the back where the only heated room is. I don't want to even go the 400 feet. Not only for track wear but the marks in the concrete just from unloading off the trailer are probably never going away and I don't want that inside my building. I just constructed some 10ft fork extensions for my 6ft forks on my 10k forklift, 4 foot overhang. Tomorrow I'm hoping I can pick up the cat and take it where it needs to be. Either under the belly on the solid track rods or drive up on the forks under the tracks. This will make all dealing with all things much easier, including loading on trailers, which will be an ongoing and repeating task.