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Trump signs the bill that ought to ensure his re-election: robocalls


Gone But Not Forgotten
Trump signs the bill that ought to ensure his re-election
Thomas Lifson
January 2, 2020


There is an excellent reason why the media largely are ignoring the bill that President Trump signed on Monday: when voters hear about it, they will want to vote for him out of sheer gratitude.

Simply put, one of the most annoying aspects of life at home, robocalls, are now subject to federal legal sanction. S. 151, the Pallone-Thune TRACED Act:

This bill implements a forfeiture penalty for violations (with or without intent) of the prohibition on certain robocalls. The bill also removes an annual reporting requirement for enforcement relating to unsolicited facsimile advertisements.

The bill requires voice service providers to develop call authentication technologies.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) shall promulgate rules establishing when a provider may block a voice call based on information provided by the call authentication framework, but also must establish a process to permit a calling party adversely affected by the framework to verify the authenticity of their calls. The FCC shall also initiate a rulemaking to help protect a subscriber from receiving unwanted calls or texts from a caller using an unauthenticated number.

This bill requires the Department of Justice and the FCC to assemble an interagency working group to study and report to Congress on the enforcement of the prohibition of certain robocalls. Specifically, the working group will look into how to better enforce against robocalls by examining issues like the types of laws, policies, or constraints that could be inhibiting enforcement.

The bill requires the FCC to initiate a proceeding to determine whether its policies regarding access to number resources could be modified to help reduce access to numbers by potential robocall violators.

Thanks, President Trump! You've got my vote.
I think Trump's "huge Iranian gamble", as the left are referring to it, is going to be what ensures his re-election.
I think Trump's "huge Iranian gamble", as the left are referring to it, is going to be what ensures his re-election.

Personally, I thought he had it in the bag long before this, but this sure will not hurt his chances. Sure glad we have a real POTUS now instead of that muzzie chocolate dictator.
I think Trump's "huge Iranian gamble", as the left are referring to it, is going to be what ensures his re-election.


For the first time since probably Teddy Roosevelt, we have a president who keeps his promises and looks for what is best for the nation as a whole.

Trump's detractors cannot play checkers without a bank of lawyers, advisors, and political staff. Our nation's enemies are a bit more savvy. Trump plays three dimensional chess and sleeps naked with a super model.
There is no comparison.

For the first time since probably Teddy Roosevelt, we have a president who keeps his promises and looks for what is best for the nation as a whole.

Trump's detractors cannot play checkers without a bank of lawyers, advisors, and political staff. Our nation's enemies are a bit more savvy. Trump plays three dimensional chess and sleeps naked with a super model. There is no comparison.[/QUOTE]

Well, that kind of says it all right there.
Indeed a nice move.

I recorded the 3 tone number disconnected signal on the front of my voicemail to deter bots and unwanted calls
I also installed Verizon's free call filter.

On top of that, I'm using iphones latest feature which sends callers who aren't on my contacts list straight to voicemail.

I haven't had a BS robocall in a month or two.

It was getting so bad for awhile, I thought I might just give up on phones and go back to smoke signals.

I sincerely hope all the personnelle at the call centers are throwing their hands in the air going, Welp, I guess that about wraps it up people!